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MinimumPasswordLengthToLogin error message is unhelpful
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Looks related to the forceReset patch

Unless the intended behavior is to lock out privileged accounts with a password that do not pass the policies I would expect to be taken to a password reset page.

Here is a screenshot with the error message (Passwords must be at least 10 characters long)

Screenshot_2019-01-18 Ingresar - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre.png (523×561 px, 30 KB)

Edit: FWIW I was able to reset the password without problems. The issue I'm reporting is that you get an error and no guidance on what to do instead of redirecting you to password reset page

Event Timeline

Reedy added a subscriber: Tgr.
Reedy subscribed.

Yeah, something doesn't sound to be working quite as intended

We shouldn't be enforcing anything just yet as isn't publicised/deployed yet

I'm guessing this was your account in the "staff" global group?

Password length restrictions set by 'MinimalPasswordLength' already do display a password reset page. gerrit:479570 will just remove the "skip" button for privileged users.

But for the "staff" global group, rOMWC0aa1684076ce: Enforce a 10-byte password for staff users set 'MinimalPasswordLengthToLogin' to 10 which will prevent the login before it gets to the point of displaying the reset page. This is slightly more secure, as it prevents a dormant account with a too-short password from being compromised and the attacker being the one to reset the password.

I'm guessing this was your account in the "staff" global group?

If so, this is invalid and can be made public

We shouldn't be enforcing anything just yet as isn't publicised/deployed yet

Also it's going to force password change, not reset. (Same as the current nag screen except there won't be a Skip button.)

Yeah the message could be improved (although gerrit 479570 as written now will remove this check entirely). Also it does not prevent non-fatal errors from being displayed, which results in the weird duplication (since MinimalPasswordLength also runs and has the same message). Not sure if that's worth the effort though.

Tgr renamed this task from Privileged account has a password length of <10 characters and can't log in. to MinimumPasswordLengthToLogin error message is unhelpful.Jan 19 2019, 10:13 PM
Tgr changed the visibility from "Custom Policy" to "Public (No Login Required)".
Tgr removed a project: acl*security.

Change 485480 had a related patch set uploaded (by Gergő Tisza; owner: Gergő Tisza):
[mediawiki/core@master] Improve message for fatal password validity errors on login

I'm guessing this was your account in the "staff" global group?

If so, this is invalid and can be made public

It was my staff account. The error message threw me off. seems to address that

We shouldn't be enforcing anything just yet as isn't publicised/deployed yet

Also it's going to force password change, not reset. (Same as the current nag screen except there won't be a Skip button.)

Yeah the message could be improved (although gerrit 479570 as written now will remove this check entirely). Also it does not prevent non-fatal errors from being displayed, which results in the weird duplication (since MinimalPasswordLength also runs and has the same message). Not sure if that's worth the effort though.

Maybe it is not high priority but I would leave a ticket open somewhere to take care of the duplication.

FWIW I've tested and I get the two messages but apparently with different min lengths. It might be my local setup

Screenshot_2019-01-21 Log in - devwiki.png (175×290 px, 8 KB)

FWIW I've tested and I get the two messages but apparently with different min lengths. It might be my local setup

Screenshot_2019-01-21 Log in - devwiki.png (175×290 px, 8 KB)

Looks like you have MinimalPasswordLength set to 10 and MinimalPasswordLengthToLogin set to 7 there, or vice versa.

Maybe it is not high priority but I would leave a ticket open somewhere to take care of the duplication.

Not sure what would be a reasonable way to handle that. Those are two different messages from two different checks, as far as MediaWiki is concerned.

Change 485480 had a related patch set uploaded (by Reedy; owner: Gergő Tisza):
[mediawiki/core@master] Improve message for fatal password validity errors on login

Reedy triaged this task as High priority.Sep 17 2019, 9:07 PM

Change 952856 had a related patch set uploaded (by Gergő Tisza; author: Gergő Tisza):

[mediawiki/extensions/CentralAuth@master] Improve message for fatal password validity errors on login

FWIW I've tested and I get the two messages but apparently with different min lengths. It might be my local setup

Screenshot_2019-01-21 Log in - devwiki.png (175×290 px, 8 KB)

Looks like you have MinimalPasswordLength set to 10 and MinimalPasswordLengthToLogin set to 7 there, or vice versa.

Not sure what would be a reasonable way to handle that. Those are two different messages from two different checks, as far as MediaWiki is concerned.

If they're two different messages, I think they should actually be different messages. Currently both checkMinimalPasswordLength() and checkMinimumPasswordLengthToLogin() use the 'passwordtooshort' localisation message. I suggest splitting it into two, worded along the lines of:

  • New passwords must be at least {{PLURAL:$1|1 character|$1 characters}}.
  • You must change your password to be at least {{PLURAL:$1|1 character|$1 characters}} to log in.

(Still a bit awkward if you get both of these errors, but better than two identical messages with a different number.)

There is no guarantee MinimalPasswordLengthToLogin is shown on login. It can show up when trying to register or changing your password.
Likewise, MinimalPasswordLength doesn't only show when you are trying to set a new password. When the suggestChangeOnLogin policy flag is set, the error is shown on login with an option to change the current password.

Change 485480 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/core@master] Improve message for fatal password validity errors on login

Change 952856 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/CentralAuth@master] Improve message for fatal password validity errors on login