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Move AQS logging to new logging pipeline
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We need to move AQS to the new logging pipeline. The config should be updated similar to and newest node dependencies should be used (newest version of service-runner)

Event Timeline

fdans triaged this task as Medium priority.Apr 4 2019, 5:07 PM
fdans moved this task from Incoming to Operational Excellence on the Analytics board.

@Nuria, do you think that we could work on this during the next couple of months? Seems to be an easy enough change to be ready in a day or so (including testing).

Let's plan this for this quarter then? (q2?)

Change 543278 had a related patch set uploaded (by Elukey; owner: Elukey):
[operations/puppet@production] aqs: replace logstash host/port with rsyslog localhost/port

@mobrovac I just noticed in the description the newest version of service-runner part. We currently run 2.6.7, is it enough?

@mobrovac I just noticed in the description the newest version of service-runner part. We currently run 2.6.7, is it enough?

Eh no, unfortunately not. Support for prefixed syslog logging came in v2.6.15. The [diff between v2.6.7 and v2.6.15]( suggests it's safe for you to update to that version. Moreover, it would beneficial if you could update to the latest version, v2.7.3 as it brings many improvements and bug fixes over v2.6.15. Again, the diff suggests there are no backwards-incompatible interface changes, so you should fine in doing so.

Fine for me, will have to coordinate with my team on upgrading service-runner first!

elukey changed the task status from Stalled to Open.Jan 15 2020, 8:41 AM
elukey moved this task from Paused to Done on the Analytics-Kanban board.
elukey set Final Story Points to 5.

Dan deployed the new version of service-runner for aqs, I applied the puppet patch and verified that the new settings works in logstash:

2020-01-15T08:36:15	level:WARNING pid:4 type:aqs message:startup finished normalized_message:startup finished levelPath:warn/service-runner tags:input-kafka-rsyslog-udp-localhost, rsyslog-udp-localhost, kafka, syslog, es, normalized_message_untrimmed @timestamp:2020-01-15T08:36:15 host:aqs1004 @version:1 _type:aqs _index:logstash-2020.01.15 _score: -

(see tags:input-kafka-rsyslog-udp-localhost ..)