The Wikidata Query Service seems to have swapped the triples of items and properties, somehow.
SELECT ?entity ?label WHERE { VALUES ?entity { wd:P31 wd:Q31 } ?entity rdfs:label ?label. FILTER(LANG(?label) = "en") }
wd:P31 | Belgium |
wd:Q31 | instance of |
Only the wd: namespace appears to be affected, statements are still found under e. g. wdt:P31 and not wdt:Q31.
Original report:
Steps to Reproduce:
Go to, e.g.,
Actual Results:
Some of the panels that include embedding report, e.g., "Unable to display result: Bar chart"
Expected Results:
The embedded visualization from WDQS should show.
An error is 'TypeError: "i is undefined"' from embed.wdqs.min.3f7096aef907206f2a35.js:1:17344
Furthermore, gives 404