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Sort out #Editing-Team vs #VisualEditor Phabricator project tags
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Someone please feel free to correct me:



  • The Editing-team project tag should have a workboard. Its columns should probably be like on the VisualEditor (Current work) board.
  • The VisualEditor (Current work) milestone should be archived and its open tasks transferred to the Editing-team workboard. Tasks that were under that milestone AND are about VisualEditor should get the VisualEditor tag re-added if needed. (Note to myself: Tasks on that workboard about the VisualEditor codebase seem to have one of the VisualEditor-$something project tags (for the list of project tags, see except for Mobile listed there) and Herald via H10 automatically adds VisualEditor to such tasks).
  • Either set up a Herald rule to automatically add the Editing-team project tag to all tasks under Talk Pages ,OWC2020 and VisualEditor. Which I do not recommend because backlogs on your team workboard with thousands of items are rather demotivating, make things messy, and make it hard to communicate to external contributors what your team will not work on and creates wrong expectations. However some teams prefer that, e.g. Growth-Team via H26. For completeness, this also created performance issues in the past when you had thousands of tasks on a workboard, see T204721, but we should be fine now.
  • Or instead, semi-manually add specific tasks under Talk Pages ,OWC2020 and VisualEditor also to Editing-team. This has the advantage that the workboard does not have gazillions of open tasks in the backlog and you can find stuff a bit easier. It has the disadvantage that you'd have to look at those three projects and their open tasks separately, and then 1) either manually add the Editing-team to tasks that the Editing Team considers to work on, or 2) set up a column on each workboard of those three projects with some column name "WMF Editing Team" or such, and then use workboard column triggers (see T227300) to also automatically add the Editing-team tag to these tasks so they show up on the Editing-team workboard. Disclaimer: @Aklapper prefers this latter option to a Herald rule, but has not found time to play with workboard column triggers yet, so might completely misunderstand things™.
  • Clean up tasks under VisualEditor (not VisualEditor (Current work)!):
    • Tasks that are really about VisualEditor and they have a #VisualEditor-something tag these tasks should just stay here.
    • Tasks that are not about VisualEditor and have tags such as Talk Pages ,OWC2020 should get the VisualEditor tag removed.
    • There are probably tasks that should be in the "Incoming" (backlog) column on the Editing-team workboard instead when they are non-codebase team work, or when it's unclear which tag/column those tasks should have. This will be a bit error-prone and will require manual work.

Once there is consensus,

  • Create hardcopy screenshots of your favorite workboards and pin them on your walls. Backups can save your day! (Ah well, you could also save the task IDs per column via the "Bulk Edit Tasks..." item in the dropdown of each workboard column.)
  • Move tasks around silently, by criteria described above (Silently because we all already get too much Phab mail). Try not to create a complete mess.
  • Clean up what's left.
  • VisualEditor can be about VisualEditor.
  • Check / update some links on to the right places.
  • Profit.

Event Timeline

Aklapper created this task.
Aklapper moved this task from Incoming to Projects to change / set on the Project-Admins board.

I am adding Editing team members as subscribers for awareness.

The VisualEditor (Current work) milestone should be archived and its open tasks transferred to the Editing-team workboard. Tasks that were under that milestone AND are about VisualEditor should get the VisualEditor tag re-added if needed. (Note to myself: Tasks on that workboard about the VisualEditor codebase seem to have one of the VisualEditor-$something project tags (for the list of project tags, see except for Mobile listed there) and Herald via H10 automatically adds VisualEditor to such tasks).

We don't really use the "VisualEditor-$something" tags consistently enough. I would assume everything on that workboard is about VisualEditor, unless proven otherwise by tags like TemplateData or OWC2020.

To be clear, you don't plan to move the closed tasks under that tag? (They will just remain in the archived tag?) If so, the ~100 open tasks can probably be transferred by hand (with some help of Phab's batch actions) easily enough.

Just adding the Editing Team tag here so we can keep an eye on the progress.

Aklapper raised the priority of this task from Low to Medium.Dec 21 2019, 11:58 PM

Hi, I see that in the meantime

I'm wondering if any further cleanup of tasks is wanted and if I can help, or any Herald rules?
Or is this all considered done and works well for you? (if so, well done!)

Hey @Aklapper thanks for following up on this, we are actually all set now :)