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View an Example Map (using Tegola vector tile server)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


User Narratives
  1. As a Wikipedia Reader, I want to view a map on my mobile browser, so that I can better learn about geoinformation.
  2. As an SRE, I want to see a working example map using the new vector tile server, so that I have higher confidence this will reduce the time and effort I have to spend on supporting maps.

This is the first iteration and prototype of changing out our vector tile server functionality with Tegola. We hope to better understand the limitations of this new design, validate our assumptions in the technical approach and help identify what the next iteration of the new solution will look like.

Acceptance Criteria
  • Vector tiles are generated that conformed with the current schema of maps being presented to users
  • We collect a baseline of performance on:
    • Client-side rendering
    • Server-side tile rendering
  • Map is rendered on mapbox-gl
    • For mobile web test
    • Desktop web test
  • Basic styling is incorporated in the rendered map
  • Spike regarding client-side renderers style config that can interact with Tegola and their interoperability (how easy is to pivot through them)
  • Lightweight documentation of how Tegola works and how we plan to fit it in the overall architecture
  • A few ADRs are proposed as a result of this prototype
  • All maps documentation has been updated to reflect changes done by this work
Out of Scope
  • Feature-parity map styling
  • Client-compatibility for:
    • Android Wikipedia App
    • iOS Wikipedia App
    • Vue.js
Open Questions

Event Timeline

MSantos claimed this task.
  1. testwiki is already integrated with maps generated from Tegola as a source. You can check it out here
  2. The benchmarks for the performance assessment for both client-side and server-side operations can be seen in the following repository
  3. Client-side tile rendering with mapbox-gl has been descoped but you can see the POC work in the following Karographer patch
  4. We kept the current style during this work
  5. The interoperability between client-side libraries can be understood through this report
  6. The ADRs were submitted and approved and the records can be found at
  7. Documentation of the new infrastructure can be seen at