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[regression] Growth-homepage-banner is not visible anymore on Arabic Wikipedia
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The banner is not visible anymore on Homepages on ar.wp.

The banner still exists though:

Event Timeline

Checked - for old account and a new account - the banner is displayed:

Screen Shot 2020-12-16 at 8.23.30 AM.png (539×843 px, 82 KB)

Mmmmh... @MMiller_WMF and I both had no banner on our homepages.

I rechecked using this link:

And then realized that messages are local. Tested with &uselang=ar and it works.

Sorry for the false alarm.

Change 649948 had a related patch set uploaded (by Gergő Tisza; owner: Gergő Tisza):
[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] Fix message fallback for homepage banner

Change 649948 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] Fix message fallback for homepage banner

The fix works in betalabs - I added the task to my list of post-deployment checking.

One notice though - a user can dismiss the regular banner and the banner won't be shown again (it seems it's not persistent); a user cannot dismissed the Homepage banner.

Checked in mwf.25 - with uselang=en and with English as the language selected as a user' preference, the banner is displayed.