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[EPIC] Growth: newcomer homepage additional modules
Open, Needs TriagePublic


The initial version of the newcomer homepage feature was built in T213990 with seven initial modules: account creation, email, tutorial, userpage, help, mentorship, and impact.

The next homepage element being developed is "newcomer tasks", with work happening in T227728.

This epic contains tasks with ideas for other homepage modules.

Event Timeline

Because the team is prioritizing "newcomer tasks" (T227728), these additional modules would not be a priority until later in the year (if at all).

Because the team is prioritizing "newcomer tasks" (T227728), these additional modules would not be a priority until later in the year (if at all).

By any chance, can they be developed as side projects by volunteers, or would it be too complicated because of metrics (evaluation of impact) or community engagement (documentation and community appropriation)? If the latter, they should be declined, unless if we document the condition to have them created somewhere.

@MMiller_WMF: Hi, could you answer Trizek's last question, please? Thanks :)

@Trizek-WMF @Aklapper -- it would be great if volunteers want to work on any of these ideas, and the Growth team would try to support it!

In that case, where is the documentation how a contributor can create additional modules?

@Aklapper there is no public facing documentation. The relevant code is in and is relatively straightforward. If someone not on Growth-Team is interested to create a module, please ping me (and/or comment here) and I'd be happy to work with you.