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Homepage: feedback module
Open, Needs TriagePublic


We have sometimes wanted to know whether newcomers find the homepage valuable. One potential easy way to find out is to make a small module that invites the newcomer to select something simple, like "yes" or "no" in response to the direct question of "Is this page useful?"

Proposed designs

Option 1. Give feedback link on the homepage
Similar to "Give feedback" link that is on Special:ContentTranslation tool which links users to a Talk page.

image.png (840×820 px, 120 KB)
image.png (690×380 px, 48 KB)
  • Desktop - Neutral Quiet button with feedback icon added to the RHS of the header of the homepage
  • Mobile - Neutral Quiet button with feedback icon below the summary modules on the homepage
  • Destination TBC, but initial proposal will be to a Talk page on Mediawiki for Growth that can be watched by our team.

Designs on figma:

  • Pros
    • Easy to implement
    • Open-ended to receiving feedback (can also be a con)
    • Existing Watch list to monitor feedback and respond
    • Easy to internationalise (?)
  • Cons
    • Takes users away from the newcomer homepage
    • May generate spammy feedback unrelated to question
    • Talk pages may be harder for newcomers to use

Option 2. Feedback module
Create a new module within the homepage that can ask for specific feedback.

image.png (886×862 px, 119 KB)
image.png (754×434 px, 53 KB)
  • Pros:
    • More directed feedback (able to provide a specific prompt - how do you like this X feature)
    • More flexibility and updatable
    • Potential to turn on and off with customised feedback prompts
  • Cons:
    • Greater time and maintenance of an new module type that is purely for WMF team use
    • Greater privacy and potentially many other T&S considerations needed depending on format and storage of feedback info.

Event Timeline

Because the team is prioritizing "newcomer tasks" (T227728), this additional module would not be a priority until later in the year (if at all).

MMiller_WMF renamed this task from Homepage: homepage rating module to Homepage: feedback module.Aug 14 2019, 4:39 AM

Perhaps we can look at using the Quick surveys extension for this item instead?

Option 1 would be easier to use if we provide a landing page where people are redirected to the right place regarding the feedback they want to provide. Something along the lines of "If it is about the wiki, ask your mentor; if it is about the tools, click here".

However it is very difficult to find the right wording to encourage people to make a choice about a concept they have no idea of. And we already observe users who use all options provided to be sure to get their point. Or we can have others abandoning, as it is too complicated to understand where to go.

A possible solution would be to do it as it was done for VE back in the days: create a local feedback page, and let the community curate it for us. They would be intermediaries between newcomers and us, by highlighting the useful information we need. However, it would only work where volunteers would dedicate some time for us. For the latter, we could curate these pages, but with the risk of not being capable of replying in the user's language.

Option 2 is my preffered right now, because if its advantages:

  • it is in-context feedback, with clear directions on what we look for. The free-text field could receive off-topic comments, but it is less a risk than in a fully open solution like in option 1
  • we already know how to work on that solution regarding data storing or privacy, based on the experience acquired builgind Special:WelcomeSurvey.
  • having options to vote on is actionable data you can query. It is not walls of text where you have to crawl to understand what the user means (without being 100% sure).

It also has a downside too: with the free-text field, anyone leaving a sensitive comment there (such as a call for immediate help) will probably remain unnoticed until we extract the feedback for analysis.

Maybe we can do both?

The "Give feedback" link can expand to a UX that allows for the radio button UX in option 2. But we can also provide a "Give us more detailed feedback" link before/after submitting for users who want to write up some text on a talk page.

Regarding going to a page, VE had something similar to what we have for newcomers when they want to ask a question to their mentor: a box with no need to go elsewhere, or to sign, etc. I'd go with a similar option to avoid seeing newcomers getting lost.