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Tracking bug for MediaWiki 1.31.13/1.35.2
Closed, ResolvedPublic

Assigned To
Authored By
Dec 18 2020, 3:13 AM
Referenced Files
F34251710: 02-T272386-REL1_31.patch
Apr 5 2021, 12:13 AM
F34251708: 02-T272386-REL1_35.patch
Apr 5 2021, 12:13 AM
F34251709: 02-T272386-master.patch
Apr 5 2021, 12:13 AM
F34251705: 04-T270998-REL1_35.patch
Apr 5 2021, 12:12 AM
F34251707: 04-T270998-REL1_31.patch
Apr 5 2021, 12:12 AM
F34251706: 04-T270998-master.patch
Apr 5 2021, 12:12 AM
F34251703: 01-T270453-REL1_31.patch
Apr 5 2021, 12:10 AM
F34251704: 01-T270453-REL1_35.patch
Apr 5 2021, 12:10 AM


Previous work: T263803: Tracking bug for MediaWiki 1.31.11/1.35.1

Tracking bug for next security release, 1.31.13/1.35.2

Maniphest IDCVE IDREL1_31REL1_35master
T270453CVE-2021-30153(not in tarball)
T276843CVE-2021-20270, CVE-2021-27291mergedmerged


  1. T274883 never made it into a release, but I figured we'd track it here just in case. There's also a "better" patch that will be pushed through gerrit, as a replacement to the initial production security patch.
  2. T277009 went through gerrit as a low-risk, security-related bug.


Due Date
Apr 8 2021, 10:30 PM

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Event Timeline

sbassett updated the task description. (Show Details)
sbassett updated the task description. (Show Details)
sbassett triaged this task as Medium priority.Mar 10 2021, 8:15 PM
sbassett updated the task description. (Show Details)
Reedy updated the task description. (Show Details)
Reedy set Due Date to Apr 8 2021, 10:30 PM.Mar 31 2021, 6:26 PM
Reedy updated the task description. (Show Details)
Legoktm updated the task description. (Show Details)
Reedy claimed this task.
Reedy changed the visibility from "acl*security (Project)" to "Public (No Login Required)".
Reedy changed the edit policy from "acl*security (Project)" to "All Users".