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Add suggested values to TemplateData and the related input in VE (ENUM)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This is the umbrella ticket for all tasks related to adding a new feature to TemplateData itself, to the TemplateData editor, and then to the VisualEditor template dialog.

We are adding the ability for users to specify a list of suggested values to a parameter in TemplateData. These will then be displayed to users who add or edit the template in the VisualEditor in the form of a dropdown. They will then have the option to select one of the suggested values or type in a custom value. If a custom value is chosen, it will display a notice.

We implemented on the test instance prototype to very positive feedback in usability testing.

Related phabricator tickets
T53375: TemplateData: Add parameter type for selecting one of predefined values (like "<select>" or ENUM)
T52760: TemplateData: Support suggested values
Prototype implementation on test instance: T260157: VE Dialog on the Test Instance: Add ENUM parameter type to Template Data and add combobox to VE

Event Timeline

  • Decided not to implement maximum number of item limitation at this time. We should keep an eye for if this causes any problems.
  • Decided to add to number param types (in addition to those listed in the sub ticket)

Moved any open questions left into the subtickets

ECohen_WMDE renamed this task from DRAFT: (TemplateData, VE Template Dialog) Add suggested values to TemplateData and the related input in VE (ENUM) to Add suggested values to TemplateData and the related input in VE (ENUM) .Jan 27 2021, 2:13 PM

Change 678798 had a related patch set uploaded (by WMDE-Fisch; author: WMDE-Fisch):

[operations/mediawiki-config@master] [beta] Enable suggested values paramter in TemplateData and VisualEditor

Change 678798 merged by jenkins-bot:

[operations/mediawiki-config@master] [beta] Enable suggested values paramter in TemplateData and VisualEditor

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-cloud) [2021-04-20T07:17:03Z] <CFisch_WMDE> enable suggested values paramter in TemplateData and VisualEditor (T271825)

Lena_WMDE claimed this task.