Why are we doing this?
During usability testing, some Chinese speaking participants had a hard time locating all of the Chinese variants listed in the language picker to select from. Would it be possible to float the appropriate languages to the top of the list if a related keyboard is present on device?
Feature job story
As a reader in a language with multiple variants, I'd like it to be as easy as possible to see all of the variants available in my language
Proposed design
🔗Figma file: https://www.figma.com/file/Jcc9DMzO29Gk1nOndjm4jj/Language-Variant-work?node-id=230%3A0
Suggested languages |
Design details
- Add a section below 'Your languages' which includes all other languages that are related to the OS selected languages.
- Any already selected languages should not appear in this list.