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WikiLambda extension (wikilambda_edit action) is missing CSRF protection
Closed, ResolvedPublicSecurity


The WikiLambda extension introduces a ZObject namespace and corresponding content model. For reasons unknown to me, editing this content model directly via action=edit has been disabled. Instead, there is a wikilambda_edit module – but this module has no token parameter, making it vulnerable to cross-site request forgery:

let formData = new FormData();
formData.append('action', 'wikilambda_edit');
formData.append('zid', 'Z10006');
formData.append('zobject', `
    "Z1K1": "Z2",
    "Z2K1": "Z10006",
    "Z2K2": {
        "Z1K1": "Z7",
        "Z7K1": "Z802",
        "Z802K1": {
            "Z1K1": "Z40",
            "Z40K1": "Z41"
        "Z802K2": {
            "Z1K1": "This result"
        "Z802K3": {
            "Z1K1": "Not this one"
    "Z2K3": {
        "Z1K1": "Z12",
        "Z12K1": [
                "Z1K1": "Z11",
                "Z11K1": "Z1002",
                "Z11K2": "Example function call"
                "Z1K1": "Z11",
                "Z11K1": "Z1004",
                "Z11K2": "Exemple d’appel de fonction"
                "Z1K1": "Z11",
                "Z11K1": "Z1728",
                "Z11K2": "فراخوانی تابع نمونه"
formData.append('summary', 'change label language codes to ZIDs');

fetch('', {
  method: 'POST',
  mode: 'cors',
  credentials: 'include',
  body: formData,

After running this code on, this edit was made. (The link goes to the permalink, rather than the diff, because the old revision can’t be loaded for unrelated reasons; see T284368.)

I urge the WikiLambda development team to drop this custom API module, and just use action=edit directly. Apart from not lacking basic security measures, action=edit also has many other features, such as adding change tags, marking edits as minor, or specifying a base revision ID to detect edit conflicts; I see little reason to reimplement all of these in a custom API module. (Wikibase has a comparable wbeditentity API module, which also lacks some action=edit features, but I assume that this is because Wikibase partially predates the MediaWiki ContentHandler system, and using action=edit would not have provided adequate control over the content at the time – I hope that this is no longer an issue.)

Event Timeline

We had to do this IIRC because of our use of the JsonContent class (action=edit wouldn't let us refuse nonsense edits, because JsonContent extends TextContent), and more importantly because we needed to generate the title on create (exactly like Wikibase), which again action=edit won't let us do. Fun times.

We might be able to add this feature into action=edit so that Wikibase could similarly migrate to it too?

Hm, I didn’t consider new page creations, that’s a good point. I’ll check if there are any other reasons why Wikibase still has a separate API module.

Patch addressing this is merged; we can keep exploring nicer ways of doing things, but I'll close this for now.

Patch addressing this is merged; we can keep exploring nicer ways of doing things, but I'll close this for now.

Can this be made public? Or do we need to wait to backport the fix to prior branches? (and if so, should this be tracked at T285414: Write and send supplementary release announcement for extensions and skins with security patches (1.31.16/1.35.4/1.36.2) ?)

Patch addressing this is merged; we can keep exploring nicer ways of doing things, but I'll close this for now.

Can this be made public?


Or do we need to wait to backport the fix to prior branches? (and if so, should this be tracked at T285414: Write and send supplementary release announcement for extensions and skins with security patches (1.31.16/1.35.4/1.36.2) ?)

Anyone foolish enough to install this code in their server and not live-updating it deserves whatever they get. :-)

Patch addressing this is merged; we can keep exploring nicer ways of doing things, but I'll close this for now.

Can this be made public?


I lack the rights to change the visibility (at least its not showing up as an option in the edit form) - would someone please make this public?

Legoktm changed the visibility from "Custom Policy" to "Public (No Login Required)".Jul 14 2021, 1:54 AM
Legoktm changed the edit policy from "Custom Policy" to "All Users".