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SecurePoll's management groups were removed from testwiki [public]
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This is a public counterpart to T290808.

SecurePoll's management groups (electionadmin and related) were removed from testwiki due to an incident.

Event Timeline

Not sure what the incident was and have not seen the private task, but I wonder: should we separate "electionadmin" right form a (yet to be created) "scrutineer" right, such that election admin only has access to the ballot create/edit pages and the tally page, and scrutineer has access to individual vote data? Of course some may have both roles assigned to them.

Not sure what the incident was and have not seen the private task, but I wonder: should we separate "electionadmin" right form a (yet to be created) "scrutineer" right, such that election admin only has access to the ballot create/edit pages and the tally page, and scrutineer has access to individual vote data? Of course some may have both roles assigned to them.

The incident is almost resolved now: a patch fixing the underlying issue was deployed. I asked in the private task if it can be made public now. There's some followup, but that followup doesn't have security impact.

Now that T290808 is public I guess this counterpart task can be closed?

4nn1l2 assigned this task to Urbanecm.

I'm going to boldly close this ticket. If it needs to be re-opened, just open it again. Thanks.