securepolls can no longer be created on testwiki as adding a user from the electionadmin group is required but the group does not exist
Steps to Reproduce:
- Go to
- Attempt to create the poll
Actual Results:
Poll creation fails, it demands a value for Admins, but requires that Admins be "a member of the electionadmin group."
Expected Results:
Polls should allow the poll creator (those with (securepoll-create-poll) access) to specify admins.
Polls shouldn't be checking for a poll admin to be "in a group" - perhaps they should check if a poll admin "has a permission" - in which case said needed permission may need to be added
Apparently this breaking functionality was expected - and requires the group to be readded.
On testwiki can we
- initiate the group with: $wgGroupPermissions['electionadmin'] = [];
- Add group management of this group to testwiki bureaucrats