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Create preference to allow users to opt out from Image Suggestions notifications
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As an Experienced Contributor, I want the ability to opt-out of Image Suggestion notifications, so I stop getting the notifications if I don't want to interact with them.

In T292147 we are developing a notification that will be sent to users for image suggestions. The notification will include a link to the user's Notification Preferences, where the user can opt-out. This ticket is to add a preference to the notification preferences allowing users to opt-out of these specific notifications.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Add “Image Suggestions” to the bottom of the existing list of opt-in/out options

Existing list:

Opt-out.png (1×910 px, 453 KB)

  • By default, the user should be opted in to image suggestions notifications for web and apps and opted out for e-mail (these are the typical defaults).
  • Add a tooltip to the "Image Suggestions" option (in the same style as the others) that says "Notify me when there is suggested image for an article I'm watching." (*Wording TBD - since we are not just relying on watchlists*)
  • If the user opts out of "Image Suggestions" notifications using this new preference, they no longer receive these notifications
  • Translations exist for this in languages other than English
  • The preference should be added before we send our first notifications
  • The preference should be included on the following wikis: pt, ru, id
  • Preference changes should be tracked via WikimediaEvents (see

Event Timeline

CBogen updated the task description. (Show Details)
CBogen updated the task description. (Show Details)
CBogen renamed this task from User Opts-out from Image Suggestions notifications to Create preference to allow users to opt out from Image Suggestions notifications.Oct 1 2021, 5:37 PM
CBogen updated the task description. (Show Details)

Change 810845 had a related patch set uploaded (by Matthias Mullie; author: Matthias Mullie):

[mediawiki/extensions/WikimediaEvents@master] Track image suggestions notification preference changes


By default, the user should be opted in to image suggestions notifications for web, email, and apps (unless they are opted out of all email notifications, in which case they should be opted out of those)

It's not possible to check whether a user opted out of all individual email notifications before creating a new preference type, but there already is a "Do not send me any email notifications" option (first thing on this page) that covers this, so I'm considering this part covered.

Change 810845 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/WikimediaEvents@master] Track image suggestions notification preference changes

To clarify: for now the plan is to respect the defaults for notifications (web & apps default on (opt-out); email default off (opt-in).