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Modify Filter for Notifications to remove "All Wikis" and add Other Wikis to the bottom of the list
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In the original Mock there is an "All Wikis" option. It creates the behavior that wikis listed below are considered "All Wikis" and it unintentionally filters out notifications coming from other wikis not listed in the app. The behavior we want is for users to see any notification they've received, and only to filter by a wiki when they choose to do so.

Search and Filter 2.png (2×720 px, 72 KB)

The Task
To be more clear that all notifications for every wiki, system level or not, is shown by default, remove the all wikis that is in the mock above and add an other wikis leveraging the language icon we use in the article view in the bottom toolbar

Event Timeline

We discussed this in task sync today and what we will do is add a button at the end of the of wikis that allows users to go add a language to the app so they can filter in that language to their list of langauges

Looking at the Alpha and I don't see the add language option

In the latest alpha, the language button is at the top-right of the toolbar.

device-2021-11-02-113729.png (2×1 px, 129 KB)

I've updated the language selection button to be another list item inline with the other languages:

device-2021-11-03-080924.png (2×1 px, 125 KB)

Thank you this is great! We can advance this task

I like that @Dbrant @JTannerWMF, the only comments I have re: clarity and consistency are:

  • Label: Change UI copy to 'Add or edit app languages' to make it clear to users that they’re changing languages globally for the app, not just here
  • Style: Use accent50 (blue), language iconography and 'ALL CAPS' to convey that this link takes users to a different place and to keep its style consistent other places, like here:

Screenshot_1636375304.png (2×1 px, 56 KB)

What do you think?

Is it ok if we keep the same style [text size, style etc] as the other list items, but just make the ADD OR EDIT APP LANGUAGES bold like this?:

add.png (2×1 px, 90 KB)

Looks good to me @Sharvaniharan — but can we use Roboto Medium instead of Roboto Bold ? Thanks!

Hi @schoenbaechler thank you for the offline discussion on this - per our chat will keep it 16sp itself, but not bolden it.

Hi @schoenbaechler... update.. I have actually made it Roboto medium and 14sp text size. :)

perfect @Sharvaniharan 👏 thanks for going the extra mile!

Per discussion with @JTannerWMF 👇

  1. Can we change the label from: ADD OR EDIT APP LANGUAGES to simply UPDATE APP LANGUAGES. The German translation was just too word heavy.
  1. Change the + to pencil iconography since we are now talking about “updating” languages.

Sorry for the detour @Sharvaniharan 👋

Plus 1 to this being a great job @Sharvaniharan , thanks for putting up with our back and forth