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Make user page error message more specific
Closed, ResolvedPublicFeature


Last FY, the designers provided feedback about our first launch of native talk pages and pointed out that when you navigate to a User page, if they haven't created one it pops up an error page that isn't very helpful.

The Task
Update the error message to be more specific that the user did not set up their user page

Current Message

image user error.png (1×1 px, 193 KB)

Product Requirement
Able to work in Non English languages

Event Timeline

Hi @JTannerWMF
What changes need to happen as part of this task, only change in copy of the error message? In which case could you please let me know what it should read? "This user page has not yet been set-up" ?

How about this? 👇

image user error.png (1×1 px, 193 KB)
userpage-placeholder.png (2×3 px, 591 KB)

Wikipedia does not have a user page with this exact name. In general, this page should be created and edited by User:Cj7557. If in doubt, please verify that "Cj7557" exists.

Please note that the links used in the copy need to adapt to the corresponding wiki and username.

  • Here’s the SVG for the illustration, it uses color_group_11 and its size should be the same as the current icon (exclamation mark)

@Sharvaniharan @JTannerWMF @Dbrant

@Sharvaniharan good catch - updated the guide to only have one (color_group_11/android:textColorTertiary), thanks!

In the app when you click "User Page" it takes you to the user's page in question but in Mobile Web view. However, the link for user page in Mobile Web takes you to the explanation of a user page. . Also the exists word is hyperlinked as well.

I am going to put this in @ABorbaWMF column to conduct exploratory research on the behavior on French and Arabic Wikipedia.

If a user on French or Arabic doesn't have a user page what pops up and where does the hyperlinks send them? Can you add screenshots please.

Additional Context: If we can mirror the link behavior on Mobile Web that is ideal, if that would be too difficult wiki to wiki, then we can proceeds with sending people to the individual's user page on Mobile Web.

Looks good on Francais as well. Screenshots below:
After tapping user name

Screenshot_20211208-121758.jpg (2×1 px, 280 KB)

After tapping 'user page'
Screenshot_20211208-121810.jpg (2×1 px, 299 KB)

Looking at the other user's talk page
Screenshot_20211208-121823.jpg (2×1 px, 222 KB)

Thanks for looking into this! It looks like second screen shot was opened in English Wikipedia, and we're curious about what it looks like on French. Since user accounts are universal, I think the app opens user pages in whatever the main app language is. Can you make French the primary of your app, so the user page opens in French Wikipedia?

And what happens when you click the link?

When we were QAing this task I was curious of what happens if you click the link in another language and the system is set to a non EN language. I don't know that we had an opportunity to test this when a user has the system of the phone in another language and we click the link to go to the user page.

A user reported during chorewheel having an issue in Polish with being able to click the link and also seeing English text. Can we investigate this:
In the Wikipedia Beta application, I noticed the following defects:

  1. After creating an account, I received a message from Wikipedia "Basic information about operating in Wikipedia". In the above message there are references (hyperlinks) to places such as scrapbook or your own preferences. However, when I click on the links, I get an error. Despite the information about the existence of the scrapbook and my own preferences, I did not find such tabs in the application. (Screenshots in attachments)
  2. Despite the Polish Wikipedia language being set, some messages are displayed in English. (Screenshots in attachments)

Screenshot_20220517-132500_Wikipedia Beta.jpg (2×1 px, 222 KB)

Screenshot_20220517-132428_Wikipedia Beta.jpg (2×1 px, 242 KB)

Screenshot_20220516-232936_Wikipedia Beta.jpg (2×1 px, 172 KB)

Screenshot_20220517-132156_Wikipedia Beta.jpg (477×1 px, 26 KB)

JTannerWMF updated the task description. (Show Details)