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Improve the accuracy of Discussiontools's username suggestion list
Open, Needs TriagePublic


This parent task represents the work of improving the accuracy of the username suggestion list that appears within the Reply and New Discussion Tools.

User Stories

1.As someone who is wanting to get the attention of another person, whose username I know and who has not yet commented in the discussion I am drafting a comment within/starting, I want to be able to quickly insert a ping, so that I can get back to drafting the comment I was in the middle of writing.T294774
2.As someone who is wanting to get the attention of another person who has commented in the discussion I am drafting a comment within/starting and who has set a different link label in their signature, I want to be able to quickly find their name within the username suggestion list, so that I can at-mention them and get back to drafting the comment I was in the middle of writing.T266401
3.As someone who is wanting to get the attention of another person who has not commented in the discussion I am drafting a comment within/starting and whose username I do NOT know exactly, I want to know whether I've typed their username correctly, so that I can confidently at-mention them and get back to drafting the comment I was in the middle of writing.
4.As someone who is wanting to get the attention of the person whose comment I am responding to, I want to be able to quickly find their name within the username suggestion list, so that I can at-mention them and get back to drafting the comment I was in the middle of writing.T269279
5.As someone who is seeking input about a change I am considering making to an article, I want to be able to get the attention of other people who have discussed changes to said article before, so that I can know whether the change I am considering making is something others see as productive.T277357


When you type @ in the Reply tool, you get a list of usernames to ping.

When you type @W in the Reply tool, you get an alphabetical list of every existing account that starts with W: User:W, User:W ! x a, User:W & N Davis, etc. On a larger wiki, these are basically never the editors that you want to reach.

There are several ways to filter the list of suggested editors to be more useful. They include:

  • de-prioritizing inactive users
  • de-prioritizing blocked users
  • prioritizing people who have previously edited that page
  • using the CirrusSearch algorithm, which prioritizes editors whose names have been linked more frequently

Event Timeline

ppelberg renamed this task from Make a better list of people to ping to Improve the accuracy of Discussiontools's username suggestion list.Dec 22 2021, 7:31 PM
ppelberg updated the task description. (Show Details)
ppelberg updated the task description. (Show Details)

I'm removing this task as parent task as a blocker of T296645 considering we've made progress on improving the accuracy of the Reply and New Discussion Tools' username suggestion list by way of resolving.