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Populate Topic Container patchdemo prototype with Arabic strings for UI Elements
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This task involves the work with ensuring the UI elements present within the version of the Topic Container patchdemo prototype we will share with Arabic-speaking volunteers via T302120 is translated into Arabic.


  • The UI elements present within the version of the Topic Container patchdemo prototype we will share with Arabic-speaking volunteers via T302120 are translated into Arabic.

Event Timeline

I've added three strings to a test-Patch-Demo site. They seem to work, but I need @Dyolf77_WMF or another Arabic speaker to figure out if I did it correctly.

If that works (and if there are no other missing strings) then it's just a simple matter of copying things over to the actual Patchdemo site whenever that is ready.

Next steps

  • @ppelberg to post link to "final" patchdemo that we will share with volunteers
  • @Whatamidoing-WMF to add Arabic strings to said "final" patchdemo
  • @Dyolf77_WMF, or another Arabic speaker, to review strings

Note for anyone trying to do something similar in the future: If the wiki's "content language" is (for example) Arabic, then the Arabic translation goes at the "main" name, not at the usual /ar subpage.