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[SPIKE] Develop an approach for scaling Usability Improvements within projects
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This task involves the work with defining an approach for how the software will "know" whether volunteers are using a given page for discussions and subsequently, "decide" whether to alter the page-level elements that appear within them. [i]


The set of mw:Usability Improvements the Editing Team is introducing as part of the Talk Pages Project [ii] will be the first set of changes that impact page-level elements. [i]

These changes to page-level elements are being designed to make it easier for people who are new to recognize talk pages as places to communicate with other volunteers and for people who are experienced to more easily decide what discussions to focus on when arriving on a talk page.

For these "changes to page-level elements" to deliver on the objectives stated above, it's important that they only impact pages volunteers use for discussions.

Trouble is, there is no common set of "rules" which constrain the pages on which discussions can and cannot take place. See ===Cases to consider

This means the software does not yet have a reliable way to decide whether volunteers are using a given page for discussions or not. So, this task is about defining what this "reliable way" will be.


  • As a Junior Contributor, I want to know whether the page I am looking at is used for communicating with other volunteers or not, so that I do not end up contributing to/editing/participating on said page in a way that will disrupt other volunteers and take me further way from the goal I came to this page seeking help about.
  • As a Senior Contributor, I want to be able to trust that the page I use to carry out my wiki-work appears to other people in ways that, at a minimum, do not cause them to misinterpret how me, and other volunteers, use said page, so that I do not have to spend effort moderating a page that I have previously not needed to moderate in this way.


In progress...

  • The risk of false negatives should be higher than the risk of false positives

Feature availability

  • The heuristic developed in this ticket will determine whether the following features are ENABLED or DISABLED on a given talk page:


Step 1a)Make Usability Improvements avail. on all Wikipedia User: and Article: talk pagesT304751
Step 1b)Make Usability Improvements avail. on all known sister project discussion namespace(s)T304752
Step 2)Empower volunteers to make Usability Improvements avail. on specific pages/within specific namespace(s)T304753
Step 3)Make Usability Improvements avail. on all pages where discussions are hostedT304750

A more detailed description of the steps listed in the table above can be found in T303493#7807758.

Open questions

  • 1. What cases does any approach we move forward with need to handle?
    • We are going to gather these unique cases in T304755 and design ways to accommodate them in T304754.


  • The answers to all === Open questions are documented
  • A decision is documented about which of the yet-to-be defined ===Approaches the Editing Team will implement to meet the ===Requirements

i. Topic Containers (T269950), Clear Affordances (T255560, T267444), and Page Frame (T269963)
ii. "Page-level elements" in this context means things like: the table of contents, the page title, the page subtitle, the site-wide sticky header on desktop, etc.

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A very simple approach, that is always good as a fallback, is magicwords/variables where the community can steer the software, so explicitely marking a page as discussion/non-discusssion. That can be then hidden in templates, for example for nl-wiki in [[w:nl:Sjabloon:Kroegentocht]], which is added to the relevant pages anyway.

ppelberg renamed this task from [SPIKE] Develop an approach for determining whether a page is used for hosting discussions to [SPIKE] Develop an approach for scaling Usability Improvements within projects.Mar 23 2022, 1:46 AM

During the 23 March Editing Team meeting, we converged on an approach for scaling the three Usability Improvement Features to all discussion pages, regardless of the namespaces they exist within.

The high-level plan is documented below as well as within the task description. Details about each phase can be found in the tickets for each phase linked within the table below.

Plan for making Usability Improvements available


Step 1a)Make Usability Improvements avail. on all Wikipedia User: and Article: talk pagesT304751
Step 1b)Make Usability Improvements avail. on all known sister project discussion namespace(s)T304752
Step 2)Empower volunteers to make Usability Improvements avail. on specific pages/within specific namespace(s)T304753
Step 3)Make Usability Improvements avail. on all pages where discussions are hostedT304750

To start, Usability Improvements will be available to people who have the setting enabled at Wikipedias on pages that appear within the User: or Article: talk namespace. Usability Improvements will then be made available (also to people who have the setting enabled) at all sister projects on pages that appear within the yet-to-be defined namespace(s) these projects consistently use for hosting discussions.

At this point, Usability Improvements will available on the most "standard" discussion pages, across Wikimedia projects. We will then develop a way to empower volunteers to lead the process of expanding the pages/namespace(s) the Usability Improvements will be available on for people who have the setting that controls these features enabled.

As this expansion is happening, the Editing Team will be cataloging examples of non-standard discussion pages (e.g. Wikipedia:Deletion process) so that we can make the original Usability Improvement design "robust" enough to handle these non-standard cases.

Once the Usability Improvements design is in a place where we are confident it can handle the breadth of discussion page variations we've identified, we'll make it so people who have the setting enabled, can experience the feature on any discussion page they visit, regardless of the namespace it exists within it and the format it takes.

A very simple approach, that is always good as a fallback, is magicwords/variables where the community can steer the software, so explicitely marking a page as discussion/non-discusssion. That can be then hidden in templates, for example for nl-wiki in [[w:nl:Sjabloon:Kroegentocht]], which is added to the relevant pages anyway.

I'm glad you stopped by to comment the above, @Akoopal. I've posted a question for you about this on the newly-filed ticket where we'll develop the approach for how volunteers/communities can mark pages as being used for discussions. The question I've left for you can be found in T304753#7807870.

ppelberg claimed this task.