Status as of 2022-08-24
We are ready to move forward with contacting Pelias (@vyuen) and starting the contracting process (@ldelench_wmf). Security review will continue in parallel.
Now that T305705 is complete and a proposal has been drafted, we will solicit review from:
- Legal
- Trust & safety policy
- Security
- Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)
Out of scope for this task:
- Budget approval & any necessary contracting with geolocation provider
- Implementation of the geolocation API
User stories
- As a Campaigns team member, I want to ensure that our recommended approach of setting up a proxy to Pelias web service has been reviewed & commented on by Legal, Trust & Safety Policy, Security, and SRE so that I have a more complete understanding of risks & recommended next steps.
- As a campaign organizer, I would like to be able to easily enter the address of my in-person event.
- As a campaign participant, I would like to be able to quickly know where the in-person event is taking place.
- Once we start using a geocoding library, there may be backwards compatibility issues with existing events (e.g. someone entered an invalid address or country, or in a format that the library does not recognize), and this could be very problematic. Therefore, we should decide on a geolocation API provider in parallel with our V0 build, even though it will not actually be implemented until V1 (target: October 2022).
Development considerations
- Being able to filter events by country, city, and region.
- Show only relevant info in the event page bar; e.g., the building name
- Provide address autocompletion when creating/updating a registration
- Show events happening nearby (users would need to opt-in)
- Show where the event is happening on a map
Acceptance criteria
- Reviews are complete:
- Legal - via email
- T&S Policy - via email
- Security T309410
- SRE T312677
Open questions
- What timeline should we expect for reviews?
- Legal: done
- Trust & safety policy: done
- Security: July-Sept 2022 (in progress)
- Site Reliability Engineering (SRE): done
Resolved questions
- Just curious what the technical reasons are for choosing Pelias over MaxMind, for which the WMF already has a license.
- AIUI, MaxMind only provides geolocation info for IPs, but we don't need data about IPs. Also, we would need some additional features (listed at T305705#7841090) that MaxMind doesn't seem to offer.