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Create survey to assess onboarding and awareness of features
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Why are we doing this? (Gdoc)

Android recently introduced a lot of new or enhanced functionality to the app. Watchlist, Talk pages, Revision history, and Notifications – to name a few. We want to evaluate if the current onboarding tools are appropriate, as, over the years, onboarding methods have evolved or diverged. With this work, we want to get an overview of the available functionality, review and prioritize it, and examine if certain features need more or less discoverability or onboarding interventions. Improving assistance and guidance is part of enhancing the communication experience on Android (MediaWiki | Slides).

Who are we targeting?

We are targeting app users (newcomers) that have set their primary app language to:

  • Arabic
  • Hindi
  • Japanese
  • Indonesian
  • French
  • English

Ideally in our target regions for qualitative research:

  • India (English and Hindi)
  • Morocco, Egypt, DR Congo, and Mali (French & Arabic)
  • Nigeria (English)
  • Indonesia
  • Japan

What do we want to find out?

  • What features are people familiar with?
  • What features have people used?
  • What features do people use most often?
  • Which features are missing?

All of the above is in the context of the Wikipedia Android app.

How do we find out?

We will show a link to a Google Form survey in the app, similar to what we’ve done in T291850. The survey will be translated to AR, HI, ID, JA, and FR and shown to the audience defined in ”Who are we targeting?”

Link to surveys





Could you help us improve onboarding?
Please help us to improve onboarding and discovery of features.
Take survey
Read privacy policy


<div dir="rtl">
هل يُمكنك مساعدتنا على تحسين تجربة بدء الاستخدام؟
يُرجى مساعدتنا على تحسين تجربة بدء الاستخدام واكتشاف المزايا.
إجراء الاستبيان
قراءة سياسة الخصوصية


क्या आप ऑनबोर्डिंग प्रोसेस को बेहतर बनाने में हमारी मदद कर सकते हैं?
कृपया ऑनबोर्डिंग प्रोसेस को बेहतर बनाने और सुविधाओं को खोजे जाने लायक बनाने में हमारी मदद करें.
सर्वे में हिस्सा लें
निजता नीति पढ़ें
रद्द करें


Dapatkah Anda membantu kami meningkatkan orientasi awal?
Harap membantu kami meningkatkan orientasi awal dan kemudahan mencari fitur-fitur.
Isi survei
Baca kebijakan privasi




Pouvez-vous nous aider à améliorer l'accueil ?
Merci de nous aider à améliorer l'accueil et la découverte de certaines fonctionnalités.
Répondre à l'enquête
Lire la politique de confidentialité

Dates requested: 2 weeks from the release date

Event Timeline

scblr renamed this task from Create survey for assess onboarding/discoverability of features to Create survey to assess onboarding/awareness of features.Jun 2 2022, 12:58 PM
scblr renamed this task from Create survey to assess onboarding/awareness of features to Create survey to assess onboarding and awareness of features.
scblr triaged this task as Medium priority.Jun 2 2022, 4:02 PM


scblr updated the task description. (Show Details)

The survey’s now ready to be launched. The last updates included:

  • Added missing dialog translations for all languages to this task’s description
  • Per @JTannerWMF’s request, I added an optional (last) question that asks for the username in all languages: If you would like us to reach out to you directly with future surveys about feature ideas for the Android app, please share your username below.

Updating team on survey response quantity thus far:

EN - 1163
AR- 41
HI - 15
ID - 105
JA - 291
FR - 28

@scblr and I reviewed survey results, I am currently translating and collating results. Will link completed spreadsheets by Wiki here as they are sorted. Will also be joining all answers into one master set for Design usage and link here when ready.

@scblr English survey answers have been counted (1498 total) and sorted, spreadsheet access is limited for privacy.
Sorting the rest now using a combination of Sheets and Python, will list when completed here.

@scblr Results have been sorted (with some cleanup due to translation anomalies needed) for EN, AR, ID and JA, answers are tabbed in response spreadsheets. Will wrap up FR and HI next. Lmk if you have questions.