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Innovation Lab – Image to Concept (iteration 1)
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Next iteration: T318026: Innovation Lab – Image to Concept (iteration 2)

The Innovation Lab – Image to Concept project pursues two long-term goals:

  • Development and provision of free/libre open source algorithms for semi-automatic entity extraction from images and interlinking of the entities with existing knowledge graphs.
  • Development of a free/libre open source crowdsourcing application facilitating the semi-automatic entity extraction from images that puts the aforementioned algorithms to use.

This is the main task for phase 1 of the ISA developments that are included in the project, aimed at implementing automated suggestions for depicted items in images using both Google Vision and the Metadata-to-Concept module.

Event Timeline

NavinoEvans renamed this task from Innovation Lab – Image to Concept (phase 1) to Innovation Lab – Image to Concept (iteration 1).Sep 17 2022, 10:55 AM
NavinoEvans moved this task from Review to In progress on the ISA board.