There is currently no use-case for descriptions in language code mul. Therefore, users should not be able use add mul for descriptions.
Disallow mul for descriptions on the API level (and therefore also via UI).
- This could be achieved using a soft (see T289474) constraint (hardcoded, similar to T212869).
- This can’t be achieved using an AbuseFilter, as an AbuseFilter doesn’t have access to a sufficiently structured diff to reliably detect mul descriptions.
Copy of error message:
The language code “mul” (multiple languages) can only be used for labels and aliases, not for descriptions.
If an editor tries to save a mul description then an error message is shown.
GIVEN an Item
WHEN an editor tries to enter a description in language code mul
THEN the edit is not accepted
AND and the error message (see copy above) is shown
Acceptance criteria:
- If an editor tries to save a mul description then an error is shown.
- The error message is translatable (and uses the correct language name for "multiple languages" as a parameter of the message).
- an error is shown via api
- frontend error display is basic. will be updated in a future task
Community communication:
No separate communication needed.