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IP Masking: Mocks for Growth user research
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This task is to track work in creating concept mocks to show in interviews as part of the IP Masking/Growth user study (T328368).

  • Target-languages:
    • English
    • Japanese (pending vendor support for interpretation)
    • Other languages TBD
  • List of visuals required (for Desktop and Mobile):
    • Article in Read mode
    • Article in Edit (with temp account warning)
    • Article after edit published as temp account
    • Warning/Help message/pop-up
    • Main page with temp account a week later
    • Newcomer homepage with temp account?
    • Temp acc expiring message
    • Mobile only
      • Dropdown menu on Avatar
      • Side nav open
    • Desktop only
      • Dropdown menu on personal tools avatar
      • Main menu?
      • User page?

Initial Mocks completed for English