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Build a technical prototype for the initial reference check (mobile)
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This task involves the work of building a technical prototype for the initial Junior Contributor- and newcomer-facing reference check user experience on mobile.

This work will be one of multiple inputs [i] the Editing Team will consider when deciding what – if any – adjustments we'll make to the mobile reference check user experience prior to inviting volunteers to trail it a production, or production-like environment (e.g. Patch demo).


Decisions to be Made

  1. What – if any – adjustments we'll make to the mobile reference check user experience prior to inviting volunteers to trail it a production, or production-like environment (e.g. Patch demo)?

Research Questions

  1. Can we detect whether the edit someone is attempting to edit warrants a citation with sufficient accuracy?
    • TBD what "sufficient" means in this context.
  2. Can we insert the citation(s) people are attempting to add in a sensible place?
    • Where "sensible" here refers to the citations being placed within the article at a place that volunteers who are reviewing edits, and people who are reading articles, would expect it to appear."

Open questions

  • 1. Is it worthwhile to – at this point – implement the case where the edits someone is trying to publish triggers multiple reference checks?
  • 2. How might the desktop UX (T329579) impact how we go about implementing the mobile technical prototype this ask is describing?
    • During the 15 February team conversation, the team came to think that the UX we're thinking about implementing on desktop is sufficiently similar to what we're planning for mobile so as NOT to impact how we're planning to approach building this initial technical prototype.
      • Note: the "deciding factor" in arriving at the above was the team coming to see that we are not planning to specify a desktop user experience that would involve presenting people with feedback as they type for this particular reference check.


🚧 These requirements are under construction. Members of the Editing Team will need to discuss these before we consider them to be set/ready for implementation. 🚧


  • Use existing UI components when possible at the expense of writing anything new


  • If, upon tapping , Edit Check detects someone as attempting to publish new content that warrants a source that they have not yet added:
    • Highlight that content
    • Prompt them to decide whether what they're attempting to publish warrants a source or not
      • If they respond yes, take them to existing Citoid workflow
        • Upon successfully generating a citation, ask people to Insert that citation. Note: citation ought to be automatically added into the article. Said another way: people should not be asked to "place" the citation they've just generated in a particular location, the software should do it for them.
        • Upon successfully "placing" a citation, show people some positive feedback so that they can feel confident moving on knowing they've completed this part of the workflow successfully
      • If they respond no, take them to existing Save your changes view


@nayoub to add


i. Other inputs for deciding what – if any – adjustments we'll make to the mobile reference check user experience we'll have defined in T325711 include T327356 and T327330

Related Objects

In ProgressTrizek-WMF
ResolvedSpike Esanders

Event Timeline

ppelberg renamed this task from Build a technical prototype for the initial reference check to Build a technical prototype for the initial reference check (mobile).Feb 14 2023, 11:35 PM
ppelberg updated the task description. (Show Details)
ppelberg updated the task description. (Show Details)
ppelberg claimed this task.