User story:
As a new account holder, I want control over leveling up notifications so that I can make adjustments based on my preferences.
Background & research:
This task is important because users should have control over the notifications they receive.
Leveling up notifications should be grouped under a category that could be used for other newcomer notifications in the future. And the category name should be easy to understand (Leveling up and Positive Reinforcement might be too vague without context).
Notification category:
Growth features
Notify me about tasks for newcomers and other features designed to help new users.
By default we should have Web & Email checked, and Apps shouldn't be checked. or available to adjust.
Acceptance Criteria:
Given I'm viewing the "Notify me about these events" section in my Preferences,
When I uncheck Web in the New editor engagement row
Then my I won't receive Leveling up notifications via Web.
Given I'm viewing the "Notify me about these events" section in my Preferences,
When I uncheck Email in the New editor engagement row
Then my I won't receive Leveling up notifications via Email.