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Show a CTA to translate a page automatically
Open, Needs TriagePublic



Meta wiki is a place for anyone to engage in our movement, however all pages are written in english. at times, various wishes and comments about wishes are written in languages outside of english. We want to help anyone read a wish or focus area in their language of choosing, so that we increase global participation

User story

As a user engaging in the wishlist, I want to read the content in my preferred language, so that I can participate in the community dialogue.


Given that a User has loaded a wish page or focus area page, when the page loads and there are 2+ languages detected, or where we've detected a language that is not my default language, then I should see a CTA to view the wish in a language of my choice.

  • On pageload, show a CTA banner to view an automatic translation.
  • The banner should disclose the the automatic translation may not be accurate