Author: joanot.martorell
It would be fine to have a variable such {{USERNAME}} wich gives the logged-in
user name, in the same way as {{PAGENAME}} gives the current page name. By
example, if a username called "John Doe" visits a page with the following wikicode:
Hi {{USERNAME}}, welcome to Wikipedia.
It would give: Hi John Doe, welcome to Wikipedia.
Hi {{USERNAMEE}}, welcome to Wikipedia.
It would give: Hi John_Doe, welcome to Wikipedia.
Also it would be useful to some high customization of some page. By exemple, if
this same user, User:John_Doe, had a page called
User:John_Doe/Main_page_customize, trough an array template (i.e. "switch") it
could be possible to make a customized entirelly or partially the Main_page.
In the same way as {{PAGENAMEE}} (plain links), it would be also needed the
variable {{USERNAMEE}}.
If there's no logged in user, this variable would give empty.
Version: 1.16.x
Severity: enhancement