Scenario: Live preview of display language changes can be reverted on closing the dialog on cancel from a different panel
Spotted while running browser tests using ULS master branch and default settings:
Scenario: Live preview of display language changes can be reverted on closing the dialog on cancel from a different panel
Then I should see the text in the language panel in English unable to locate element, using {:class=>"uls-display-settings", :tag_name=>"div"} (Watir::Exception::UnknownObjectException) ./features/step_definitions/live_preview_of_display_language_steps.rb:23:in `/^I should see the text in the language panel in (.+?)$/' features/live_preview_of_display_language.feature:45:in `Then I should see the text in the language panel in English'
See attachement
Version: master
Severity: normal