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Migration of Research & Data to Phabricator
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Let's track progress on the migration of this team to Phabricator. Feel free editing this task description.

  • Team member assigned to this task
  • Link(s) to the current projects in Mingle, Trello, other
  • (optional) Have you scheduled a team meeting with @Qgil to discuss the migration? (yyyy-mm-dd)
  • Blockers of the migration identified: (list the task numbers between {curly brackets})
  • Planned date for the migration/creation of a first real project: yyyy-mm-dd
  • Do you plan to have all your projects moved by the end of 2014? Yes/No, and if not, why


  • More than half of our team members and ongoing sprints are working in Phabricator now (yyyy-mm-dd)
  • All our projects have been moved to Phabricator. Mission completion! (yyyy-mm-dd)

Event Timeline

Qgil raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
Qgil updated the task description. (Show Details)
Qgil changed Security from none to None.
Qgil added subscribers: Qgil, Tnegrin.

As per T434 , in the following days I plan to scan the levels of use of Phabricator by all the WMF product & engineering teams. Please keep the description of this task up to date.

As discussed, the scrumbugz style burndowns are blockers for our migration (T1322)

We're excited for this feature! Let us know if we can help.

In relation to T434,

Analytics-Engineering looks pretty active. Can we consider this team fully migrated to Phabricator, or are there still tasks / sprints / projects active elsewhere?

#research-and-data seems to be still 100% in Trello. Can you provide a link to access their board(s), please?

Are there more teams within in Analytics?

PS: T1322 is planned for this Wednesday.

Hi Quim -- we really need the sprint extension to confirm our migration. If this doesn't meet our needs, we'll need to revisit our use of Phabricator.

R&D does not have plans to move off of Trello at this time.

No more teams within Analytics.


@Ironholds has started a discussion about Analytics Research & Data migrating to Phabricator in the Analytics mailing list. It's a very interesting post that could be extrapolated to most WMF tech teams.

Qgil renamed this task from Migration of Analytics to Phabricator to Migration of Analytics Research & Data to Phabricator.Dec 29 2014, 12:27 PM
Qgil removed a project: Analytics-Engineering.

I removed Analytics-Engineering because their migration is complete.

Note that "Restricted Project" in the task description refers to Analytics Research & Data. Someone tweaked its permissions.

Who should be the owner of this task? It would be good to have a point of contact.

If/when you decide to move to Phabricator entirely, will you need migration of Trello cards to Phabricator tasks, aka someone to run T821: Trello -> Phabricator migration script?

@Qgil yes we'll definitely need this, I think we're not yet ready though (we need to review the other blockers first and I want to make sure we don't start creating duplicate cards until we're completely ready for the migration).

Hi, I'm preparing the Phabricator migration statistics for the #Engineering-Community quarterly review. Currently T434: Show percentage of teams migrated to Phabricator for project management reports that your situation with Phabricator is

0	  Not started

Is this accurate?

I just learned about #Search-and-Discovery-Research-and-Data-Sprint


meet with @DarTar and @ggellerman:

The main Trello board to migrate is Research and Data. Dario moved the one column in the Trello "Research and Data - backlog" board to migrate into this.

  1. ☑ Need list of user name mappings Trello -> Phabricator
  2. ☑Heads up migration is starting
  3. ☑ spage migrate one column, probably "Staged (ready to execute)"
  4. ☑ Grace and Dario look at it
  5. ☑ Heads up the entire migration is happening
  6. ☑ spage migrates the rest
  7. ☑ Grace renames the Trello boards to append MIGRATED TO PHAB, etc.

Their plan is to have all tasks on a big Research workboard, have tags for specific Research projects like VisualEditor Xxx research
, and then filter the workboard by these tags (workboard > Filter > Advanced Filter... > Projects ) to see the status of particular projects.

@Qgil Search-and-Discovery-Research-and-Data-Sprint is not related to my team, it's an internal board used by the S/D team.

@Spage the following are done (copied you)

  1. Need list of user name mappings Trello -> Phabricator
  2. Heads up migration is starting

I migrated "Staged (ready to execute)", e.g. Trello card mid Article recommendation for Content Translation became T99040. Details on Trello to Phabricator/Research import page.

@ggellerman, @DarTar, step 4 above. Try creating the equivalent column in phabricator and dragging cards, look for obvious errors beyond the missing features mentioned in T821: Trello -> Phabricator migration script, let me know if it's OK to migrate the rest.

Thanks, @Spage!

I have created column for Staged (ready to execute) in Phab Research and Data board:

  1. moved cards relevant cards from backlog to Staged (ready to execute) column
  2. reviewed each card and replicated Trello comments that didn't make it over to Phab Research and Data tasks

Please migrate the next Trello swim lane.

DarTar renamed this task from Migration of Analytics Research & Data to Phabricator to Migration of Research & Data to Phabricator.May 14 2015, 10:22 PM

@Spage Please migrate Incoming requests (external) and In Progress sequentially and check with me after each import.

Then I can manually create cards fromTime Sensitive and Blocked in Trello in Phab myself.

I migrated the Trello columns Completed - In Progress - Incoming requests (external) - Time sensitive - Blocked, and I think Grace has dragged the Phab tasks into shape. Are we done?

𝄞 We are Phamily, I got all my sisters with me ♬ – Sister Sledge

Thanks, @Spage!

I think that we are done with the Research and Data board from Trello.

We need to groom the Research and Data backlog board and migrate what survives....grooming is scheduled for Thurs 2015-05-21.

@DarTar - does that sound correct?

Research team is in Phab. Per @DarTar the remaining Trello boards do not need to be migrated.

Can we Close Resolved, then?