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Need tabs to get from a topic page to the associated content page(s) and talkpage(s)
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Feb 20 2015, 9:21 PM
Referenced Files
F2665112: w4B23gq.png
Oct 8 2015, 12:19 AM
F2665108: iMpT9WR.png
Oct 8 2015, 12:19 AM
F102048: mSSTItk.png
Mar 20 2015, 5:58 PM
"Mountain of Wealth" token, awarded by Quiddity."Like" token, awarded by Kghbln."Like" token, awarded by Trizek-WMF.


I followed a notification link to a topic page, and found myself unable to reach the associated content page by clicking on a tab. This is, as I understand it, a departure from our current user expectations, and a hindrance to existing workflows.

Possible solutions

  1. Adding tabs, like LQT does. (E.g. "Namespace" + "Discussion namespace" + "Topic").

mSSTItk.png (197×489 px, 18 KB)

  1. Adding to the existing breadcrumb links. (E.g. by changing < [[Talk:Sandbox]] to something like < [[Talk:Sandbox]] ([[Sandbox]])

w4B23gq.png (192×385 px, 10 KB)

  1. Other?


Related Problem

We need to take the planned T109642: Provide cross-board Flow topics and also T68779: Provide cross-wiki Flow topics into account.
A topic could be attached to multiple Boards, at multiple wikis. (although they will probably have a "primary" location)

Event Timeline

MarkTraceur raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
MarkTraceur updated the task description. (Show Details)
MarkTraceur subscribed.
Mattflaschen-WMF renamed this task from No simple way to get from a topic page to the associated content page to No tab on topic page that links to the associated content page.Feb 20 2015, 10:13 PM
Mattflaschen-WMF set Security to None.

It is true you can not get from a topic page to the board page by clicking a tab.

However, this would not necessarily be intuitive. Tabs are primarily (solely?) used for one<->one relationships:

1 article <-> 1 talk page <-> 1 history page <-> 1 wikitext edit page <-> 1 VE edit page
1 user page <-> 1 user talk page

There are some complications (for example, when you are on /wiki/Earth, "View history" takes you to history of "Earth", but when you click talk, then "View history", you get to the history of "Talk:Earth").

However, there's nowhere I know where tabs are used for a one->many relationship.

Board -> Topic is a one->many relationship currently. This means there are multiple topics on one board. (At some point, it may become a many<->many relationship).

The analogy we're currently using is breadcumbs. When I'm on , there is a breadcrumb (slightly below the title) that takes me back to (removing the / subpage).

The same is true for topics.

It's likely we can make this more obvious (probably both for traditional breadcumbs like my sandbox example and for Flow), but it's not clear whether tabs are the right solution.

EBernhardson subscribed.

i tend to agree with matt, a topic feels like a subpage of the board so for consistency with core it should probably be a breadcrumb. There do seem to be valid arguments both ways though.

For reference, here's what LQT does, which we're considering as a potentially good solution. It includes both tabs and breadcrumbs.

mSSTItk.png (197×489 px, 18 KB)

Quiddity renamed this task from No tab on topic page that links to the associated content page to Need a way to get from a topic page to the associated content page(s) and talkpage(s).Oct 8 2015, 12:19 AM
Quiddity updated the task description. (Show Details)

... I can only say that the lack of a link to the related Page is becoming annoying. As a user, I would expect the Page tab to stay where it usually is.

Following notifications, it is pretty easy to end up in pages with a single topic, and no link to the related page. When commenting in a topic, it is quite normal to need quotes or links from the related page. Now you need to link to the breadcrumb, and then to the page, which in practical terms doesn't make much sense.

So my request was the third dupe.

Quiddity renamed this task from Need a way to get from a topic page to the associated content page(s) and talkpage(s) to Need tabs to get from a topic page to the associated content page(s) and talkpage(s).Dec 6 2016, 7:22 PM

Oh, so I reported this bug twice myself. Am I the only one using Flow heavily?

Oh, so I reported this bug twice myself.

That happen to me too.

Am I the only one using Flow heavily?

You are not the only one, but some other user needs have more voices.

You are not the only one, but some other user needs have more voices.

Keeping fingers crossed since this one is really utmost painful. Seems like people feeling pain in different ways. :D

This is still an issue for me basically every time (several times a week) I would like to answer to a topic and still want to have a peep on what e.g. docu is currently there and/or how to best reference the existing docu. I am totally amazed by the high level of apathy the community has shown towards such a substantial issue. Anyways, a big cheer up for everybody how will take this on.

Yeah, this still gives me pain twice a day. I am puzzled that I am seemingly one of the few suffering substantially.