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Define the navigation elements of the Web APIs hub
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Our current prototype is embedded in's navigation elements, but this is not how the Web APIs Hub is supposed to work in reality. However, how should this navigation work in reality?

In T301#1025618, @Spage wrote:

The "developer hub" skin needs

  • left-hand nav
  • support for in-page TOC
  • links to "divisions" across the top
  • Left-hand nav is supposed to substitute's left hand nav, right? Which elements will it contain?
  • In-page TOC, ok.
  • "Divisions", are these tabs? In any case, which divisions will we have?

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Event Timeline

Qgil raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
Qgil updated the task description. (Show Details)
Qgil added projects: ECT-March-2015, Web-APIs-Hub.
Qgil added subscribers: waldyrious, Spage, revi, Qgil.

Is that true in Blueprint skin?

I _think_ these things should not change depending on which skin you are using.

Qgil renamed this task from Define the navigation elements of to Define the navigation elements of the Web APIs hub.Aug 4 2015, 10:23 AM
Qgil updated the task description. (Show Details)

@Qgil, maybe we don't need tabs for "divisions"; that was me looking at some mockups from Jared Zimmerman that linked,, and

Is that [@Dzahn's explanation] true in Blueprint skin?

Blueprint works differently than other skins:

  • It has its own 'MediaWiki:Blueprint-left-nav' (sample) definition for its pop-up sidebar.
  • It removes the current page's TOC and inserts it into its pop-up sidebar, under the current page in the left-nav links, or at the bottom of the sidebar if the current page is not one of the left-nav links.

Blueprint currently works best when the left nav isn't too big and all pages are links in it. That won't apply for the API namespace. So we could continue to have in-page navigation for the PHP action API, or we could come up with requirements for a better Blueprint.

With only paper and pencil (or with only a textarea in this task), what is the navigation structure we need to organize all the API: namespace content, old and new? Let's solve this question first, and then we will see how can we use Blueprint and on-wiki navigation templates.

Update: I've refined the big unwieldy API navigation template to reference Web APIs hub before its big list of action API pages. I think it's OK for the Web APIs showcase pages to not have that big navigation that's mostly dedicated to the action API.

The Web APIs hub pages in Blueprint have their own navigation in the Blueprint sidebar (sample - click the top left icon). We need to decide whether to replicate this in non-Blueprint skins or push for Blueprint.

I added the {{API}} navigation template to Web APIs hub "Build" section, but collapsed. Ugly, but it adds navigation to the new front door that developers requested. A next step would be a gadget to "jump down to navigation", and/or perhaps shrink it to just
[Show action API navigation]

I added a proposal to improve the API navigation to its talk page, basically making it a proper menu bar like:

MediaWiki APIs ▼: action API ▼ | RESTBase ▼ | Wikidata Query Service ▼

The Web-APIs-Hub project is dead hence mass-declining its tasks to reflect reality. It might be superseded by a Developer Portal in the future.