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oojs ui icon name conflict ('cancel') on overlay close buttons on mobile beta/alpha
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This loks like a clear icon:

Screen Shot 2015-05-07 at 8.53.46 PM.png (696×861 px, 68 KB)
not a close icon.

So does this:

Screen Shot 2015-05-07 at 8.54.10 PM.png (457×393 px, 17 KB)

Should look like:
Screen Shot 2015-05-07 at 8.55.20 PM.png (706×860 px, 68 KB)

Event Timeline

Jdlrobson raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Jdlrobson updated the task description. (Show Details)
Jdlrobson moved this task to Incoming on the Web-Team-Backlog board.
Jdlrobson subscribed.
phuedx subscribed.

Yay! UI regressions!

Arrrrh, this is a regression from T97804, I didn't realize you guys have a 'cancel' icon. I think that in this case it's MobileFrontend having bad naming. This is a 'close', not a 'cancel': cancel.png (24×24 px, 460 B)

OOjs UI's 'close' icon looks like this: close-ltr.png (24×24 px, 296 B) (this is the same size as the icon above, it's a lot lighter).

matmarex renamed this task from oojs ui buttons interfering with overlay close buttons on mobile beta/alpha to oojs ui icon name conflict ('cancel') on overlay close buttons on mobile beta/alpha.May 8 2015, 10:03 PM
matmarex set Security to None.

Bad naming or not we really need to be careful from now on. Our icons in mobile have been stable for some time and have been around for over a year prior to this.

In mobile we annoyingly have close and cancel icons due to this: T73203 @KHammerstein now would be good time to make a final decision on whether we want to replace this icon with a back <- icon or close X icon for our overlays

Can we have some input here to resolve it? :)

@Florian the icon needs to be swapped out for 'close' The 'cancel' class still needs to be present though for the overlay to be compatible with the routing.

class="mw-ui-icon mw-ui-icon-close mw-ui-icon-element cancel"

Change 215953 had a related patch set uploaded (by Bmansurov):
Fix oojs ui icon naming conflict

Change 215953 merged by jenkins-bot:
Fix oojs ui icon naming conflict

@Jdlrobson @Florian Do we have the ability to change the color of the oo-ui icons?