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Improve mw.notifications and possibly combine with postEdit
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mw.notifications are currently really small and honestly hard to notice on Desktop. Additionally, we have a second notification system for postEdit (and it differs in visual style for a researched / ab-tested reason).

Both systems could use a bit of a visual make-over to bring them into 2015-16.
Additionally, the two systems should probably be combined/share an api, to make it easier to target them on mobile and other different skins. Another possible usecase is for user-user messaging and other 'in page' website notifications that we currently do not yet provide but have been discussed.

The notifications could be improved to have icons like checkmarks or X's, templates, positionable and to have different 'attention' levels towards users.

Event Timeline

Sn1per claimed this task.
Sn1per raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Sn1per updated the task description. (Show Details)
Sn1per added a project: MediaWiki-General.
Sn1per added subscribers: Sn1per, TheDJ.

Color themes would be especially useful since notifications have been used to replace successboxes, errorboxes, etc. (e.g. in T19496) and green, red, etc. color themes would make the notifications more like the old messageboxes, allowing them to quickly convey success or failure of an operation.

Example of a notification with .successbox colors:

green-mw.notify.png (133×349 px, 4 KB)

The error/warning box on top of Special:CreateAccount (and other similar pages) typically occurs on top of the text boxes, but if they were replaced by notifications, then the warnings would appear on the top right, where they may receive less attention. I'm not sure where to put the notifications though where they won't obstruct any content.

Sn1per lowered the priority of this task from Low to Lowest.Sep 28 2015, 1:01 AM
Sn1per raised the priority of this task from Lowest to Low.