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Browser tabs opened by clicking on OTRS links do not allow Javascript
Closed, ResolvedPublic

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Aug 12 2015, 2:43 PM
Referenced Files
F1470579: Screenshot from 2015-08-13 08-42-05.png
Aug 13 2015, 3:45 PM
F1435932: Screenshot from 2015-08-12 19-21-56.png
Aug 13 2015, 2:23 AM
"The World Burns" token, awarded by Florian."The World Burns" token, awarded by revi."Yellow Medal" token, awarded by Platonides.


In a browser tab (or window) opened by clicking on a link in an OTRS email, Javascript-related MediaWiki functions do not work (e.g. if you try to edit Wikipedia/Commons, clicking on the Save button does not do anything; UploadWizard doesn't even load). The browser console will say something like Blocked script execution in 'SOME URL' because the document's frame is sandboxed and the 'allow-scripts' permission is not set.

This is supposed to be an OTRS security feature (email content is sandboxed with a allow-same-origin allow-popup setting). A workaround is to open new tabs via right click + "Open in new tab" instead of simply clicking on the link (might be browser-dependent; confirmed in Chrome 45).

Only affects HTML emails, not plain text emails (as a rule of thumb, emails which ave blue links and normal fonts are affected, those with orange links and monotype fonts are not).

Event Timeline

Mdann52 raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Mdann52 updated the task description. (Show Details)
Mdann52 added projects: Znuny, HTTPS.
Mdann52 subscribed.

Should of added - this seems to occur on IE (all recent versions), Microsoft Edge and Firefox (occasionally Chrome, not very often though).

Should of added - this seems to occur on IE (all recent versions), Microsoft Edge and Firefox (occasionally Chrome, not very often though).

No js load at all? Maybe your firewall is blocking in some cases?

I can't reproduce this.

@Mdann52: Are there exact steps to reproduce available? I'm not sure what "a link" is here (and this might be not be UW-specific as expressed already).
Also, as you set "HTTPS" here, how do you think this is related to HTTPS?

Exact steps (I take ) are
1)click on link to random Wikipedia page, for example the link in;TicketID=8566916
2)Attempt to use UploadWizard, or other js tool (ie. VE in my case).

I tagged this as HTTPS as I wasn't sure if this was a HTTPS config issue - feel free to remove if I'm misunderstanding!

Unfortunately, if you don't have access to OTRS, I'll have to figure out another way to sort this out (it's currently in Junk (not spam), so anyone should be able to access it with an OTRS account.

Should of added - this seems to occur on IE (all recent versions), Microsoft Edge and Firefox (occasionally Chrome, not very often though).

No js load at all? Maybe your firewall is blocking in some cases?

I can't reproduce this.

Using the most updated Chrome on OSX, I can. I got this error message when I went to Special:UploadWizard: UploadWizard uses JavaScript for an improved interface. Your browser either does not support JavaScript or has JavaScript turned off, so we are showing you a simple upload form.

My browser definitely supports JavaScript and it is definitely turned on.

Keegan renamed this task from UploadWizard on commons not working on Microsoft Edge to UploadWizard on Commons is not detecting JavaScript support in many browsers.Aug 12 2015, 5:52 PM
Keegan set Security to None.
Keegan renamed this task from UploadWizard on Commons is not detecting JavaScript support in many browsers to Following links back on-wiki from OTRS is breaking JavaScript somehow.Aug 12 2015, 6:10 PM

This is really weird...

Screenshot from 2015-08-12 19-21-56.png (1×1 px, 396 KB)

No JavaScript loads at all...but if I open a new tab and navigate directly to the page it's fine.

@Legoktm I don't suppose you could give me the raw request/response data for that, could you?

I see the raw text when navigating to

Same here (Firefox 39). That raw HTML has some surrounding <noscript> tags.

Playing with Firefox' "Network" tab in the Developer tools for , when this problem happens the HTML page has 220.41 KB size. When this does not happen, 216.87 KB size.

Comparing the Response HTML via a diff, the broken one seems to have wrong encodings:

Correct: <a onclick="insertTags(&#39;שׂ&#39;,&#39;&#39;,&#39;&#39;);return false" href="javascript:void()">שׂ</a>
Broken: <a onclick="insertTags(&#39;שׂ&#39;,&#39;&#39;,&#39;&#39;);return false" href="javascript:void()">שׂ</a>

Correct: <option title="{{PD-Art}}" value="PD-Art"> Reproduction of a painting or other 2D work that is in the public domain because of its age – needs specification after uploading</option>
Broken: <option title="{{PD-Art}}" value="PD-Art">  Reproduction of a painting or other 2D work that is in the public domain because of its age – needs specification after uploading</option>

In Chromium 43ish, JavaScript is still disabled, but the fallback form displays fine:

Screenshot from 2015-08-13 08-42-05.png (1×1 px, 271 KB)

Just tried with debug=true, diffed the responses, no differences anymore except for edit/watch/patrol tokens and response times and wgHostname. Still seeing raw HTML text in one tab and perfectly functional UploadWizard in the other.

I have no idea what witch put what kind of curse on OTRS but we need to find her. And burn her.

I spoke too soon, I don't know how I mixed up my responses, but the same diffs are there...

Blocked script execution in '' because the document's frame is sandboxed and the 'allow-scripts' permission is not set.

Not sure what causes it, the OTRS link seems perfectly ordinary.

So it seems that OTRS displays the email contents in an iframe with sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-popups" and any new tab that's opened by that iframe (as a result of the user clicking on the link which has target="_blank" for example) will inherit those attributes and disallow scripts. You can right click and select "open in new tab", that will work normally (in Chrome). Left or middle click or Ctrl-click won't.

Oh. Wow. Holy crap.

So do we want to "fix" this somehow?

This example case shows @Tgr is correct:


<iframe src="link.html" sandbox='allow-popups allow-same-origin'>


<a href="" target="_blank">click here</a>

WHATWG living spec, MDN. The latter mentions a Chrome-only allow-unsandboxed-auxiliary keyword which makes sandbox flags not stick when opening new windows.

I have no strong opinion on whether we should weaken the security of OTRS (and no idea whether we even can).

Tgr renamed this task from Following links back on-wiki from OTRS is breaking JavaScript somehow to Browser tabs opened by clicking on OTRS links do not allow Javascript.Aug 13 2015, 5:25 PM
Tgr removed projects: Multimedia, UploadWizard, HTTPS.

The latter mentions a Chrome-only allow-unsandboxed-auxiliary keyword which makes sandbox flags not stick when opening new windows.

This doesn't seem to work in my test case ( , the last one).

One workaround that will not weaken security is to remove the allow-popups flag. This means one has to right-click -> open in new tab to open the link, and normal clicks will be ignored. This is still confusing, but less so than suddenly not having any javascript anymore.

Hmm, this actually seems like a useful feature. If some evil user emails OTRS, sandboxing the tab is probably a good idea...

Yeah, looks like it's not supported in stable Chrome yet (only shipped three weeks ago). Also, has been renamed to allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox. WHATWG proposal, Chromium bug, Chrome platform status. So disallowing popups seems to be the only realistic option (apart from not doing anything).

Hmm, this actually seems like a useful feature. If some evil user emails OTRS, sandboxing the tab is probably a good idea...

It is useful, but I am not sure its usefulness outweighs its annoyingness. OTRS agents deal with emails linking to on-wiki diffs/discussions/permission requests a lot.

Aklapper lowered the priority of this task from High to Medium.Aug 14 2015, 10:12 AM

Hmm, this actually seems like a useful feature. If some evil user emails OTRS, sandboxing the tab is probably a good idea...

Yes, but permission team's Commons' license tagging tool is made by JS and it is extra work to open it in a new clean tab, isn't it?

Agent receives an email complaining about the content of…

He decides to edit the page, so he tries to log in.

Login page does not work. "Log in" button does nothing. If he happens to know how to open the javscript console, only then is the message shown
«Blocked form submission to '' because the form's frame is sandboxed and the 'allow-forms' permission is not set.»
which doesn't clarify anything, either. The tab shows a normal top-level wikipedia url. The workaround is trivial, just reloading the same url in a different tab will fix it. But that's not discoverable.

allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox is now part of the living HTML standard and Chrome 46 will understand it (platform status, test), so adding that to the OTRS sandbox seems reasonable. That would probably mean locally patching OTRS though since we use a very old version of OTRS.

Of course, a much easier solution is to update OTRS, along with the other benefits, then implement this (I note T74109 here).

Hi everyone.
I just registered to inform this was fixed today.
bug info:

It should not happen anymore, but feel free to test it.

Could someone try to reproduce this? We were upgraded to OTRS 5.0.7 (which contains the fix referred to by @m00derp) today. According to the upstream bug report, that should now address the issue at least in Chrome, while Firefox users will have to wait pending Firefox support for the allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox tag (

I still get Blocked script execution in <URL> because the document's frame is sandboxed and the 'allow-scripts' permission is not set. when visiting a link with Chrome 48 for Linux. The iframe has sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-popups" (ie. no allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox). Are we sure we are using 5.0.7?

Well, the OTRS interface says so (hover over "Powered by OTRS 5" at the bottom), and @akosiaris confirmed he completed the update earlier today. So I hope everything worked fine. The 5.0.7 change notes are at ("Fixed bug#11838 - New tabs opened from links in a sandboxed Iframe cannot execute JavaScript"). Not sure what the issue is, in this case.

I'm still getting the error too (same error message as Tgr's in T108834#2032302 , Chromium 48 on Ubuntu 64-bit).

@Tgr helped me in finding why the changes have not been applied. We have some local customizations in the form of an OTRS package. It is overriding some templates. It is tracked here

The change in (the one referred to by updates some of the templates we are locally overriding. I 'll update our local package and build it/install it.

Change 274436 had a related patch set uploaded (by Alexandros Kosiaris):
Bring templates up to date with 5.0.7

Change 274436 merged by Alexandros Kosiaris:
Bring templates up to date with 5.0.7

Change merged, package built and installed. That should fix our problems. @Tgr, care to test ?

Works fine for me.

Just FYI, I got Blocked form submission to '' because the form's frame is sandboxed and the 'allow-forms' permission is not set. after having been at OTRS previously in the same tab, which caused me not being able to delete that file in that tab. Not sure if this is till supposed to happen given the "Resolved" status of his ticket.

Does your browser support allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox? It is relatively new.

Does your browser support allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox? It is relatively new.

How do I find out? I am using Chrome Version 53.0.2785.154 (64-bit) on Chromebook/OS
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 8530.96.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/53.0.2785.154 Safari/537.36

So, I am on a fairly recently updated browser, so I'm guessing it should support that (unless I have to manually turn it on).

Yeah, a recent Chrome should work. Can you check the HTML source and see what the sandbox attribute says?