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Engaging developer communities for the Wikimedia Hackathon 2016
Closed, ResolvedPublic


(This task needs an owner)

We need to start planning the activities of the Wikimedia-Hackathon-2016. These activities will depend on many factors, and one of them is the developer communities that we engage. This is an exercise of offer and demand:

  • Which established communities specializing in technologies relevant to Wikimedia can we potentially / realistically attract?
  • From these approachable communities, on which ones should we focus in order to get actual results at the hackathon and establish longer term relationships after the event?

If we have a good idea of the developer groups we can engage, then we can look for Wikimedia projects / groups that would fit well at the hackathon.

Lessons learned

In 2015 Lyon we did probably our best outreach to local groups, receiving the visit of 10-20 developers, most of them CS students. Different visitors had different levels of integration with ongoing activities, but most of them stuck together in an own project. The end reslt was a coupl of prototypes showcased (very good!) but apparently no continuity of the work at the hackathon, and no conversions to regular Wikimedia contributors. :( In this sense, the longer term local impact of the hackathon in Lyon was probably close to zero, same as in previous editions.

Can we do better in Jerusalem?

Event Timeline

Qgil raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Qgil updated the task description. (Show Details)
Qgil added subscribers: Qgil, Amire80, eranroz and 4 others.

As I mentioned in our correspondence elsewhere - it might be a good idea to think of projects / challenges before the hackathon and trying to pre-assemble small groups prior to the hackathon to work on it, so they come to the hackathon prepared. I know it's not a bulletproof solution, but from my experience it sometimes helps.

@Alleycat80, this is a good idea that I have been thinking about as well, from another perspective: how to use our hackathons to complete tasks identified by our communities as important. See T119703: Goal: Connect the priorities of the Community Wishlist and other tech priorities with the Wikimedia Hackathon 2016.

Qgil claimed this task.
Qgil added subscribers: Rfarrand, Claudia.Garad, Bmueller.

As far as I'm aware, WMIL tried, but we didn't have visible participation of any local developer groups in the hackathon. Resolved... without results.

I think Developer-Advocacy and previous organizers of hackathons should work with WMAT to figure out how to improve in this area in future events. It has been a traditional black spot, and it is time to fix it. Any volunteers for driving this work?