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Fix GeoIP lookup for IPv6
Closed, ResolvedPublic


We have major issues geolocating ipv6 traffic, caused by either data missing from the GeoIP database, and/or by a bug in the CentralNotice geoip code.

When validating the ipv6->v4 fallback code, let's find a way to measure how many people * begin the fallback code * succeed in falling back to ipv4 geoip.

From @Ejegg:

For the hour we've been examining, the US had 1.36M page views and 1.17M impressions on v4 networks (86% impression rate). On v6 networks, it had 387k page views vs only 27k impressions (7% impression rate). Other countries had comparable discrepancies, though their v6 networks are a smaller proportion of their total traffic.

US-mobile will be hit the hardest, these are real measurements of the proportion of traffic coming in via ipv6:

15:32 < paravoid> 6.5% were to, 13.4% to

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awight set Security to None.
awight updated the task description. (Show Details)
awight added a subscriber: Ejegg.

the US had 1.36M page views and 1.17M impressions on v4 networks (86% impression rate).

@Nuria commented in the etherpad about the Hive queries not filtering requests to is_pageview. Just wanted to double-check that these numbers do take that into account. Since /wiki/% is (mostly) a superset of is_pageview.

Change 260209 had a related patch set uploaded (by Krinkle):
Fix fallback to for empty IPv6 geo cookies

@Krinkle: I re-ran the query with is_pageview=1. (Thanks @Nuria!) The results are almost identical.

AndyRussG raised the priority of this task from High to Unbreak Now!.Dec 20 2015, 4:44 AM
AndyRussG moved this task from Backlog to Review on the Fundraising Sprint Zapp board.

Change 260209 merged by jenkins-bot:
Fix fallback to for empty IPv6 geo cookies

Change 260311 had a related patch set uploaded (by AndyRussG):
Fix fallback to for empty IPv6 geo cookies

Change 260311 merged by jenkins-bot:
Fix fallback to for empty IPv6 geo cookies

Thank you so much to everyone who worked on this.

Dramatic improvement! For the last full hour of stats, US/mobile/enwiki had 92% as many impressions as pageviews on v4 networks and 90% on v6 networks.