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Improve mobile recommendations in Android app
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This is a tracking task for our project to improvement the current article recommendation system in the Android app.


  • We want to test a new recommendation algorithm, namely Citolytics. Citolytics would be an additional source for the read more feature (related pages project page).
  • In contrast to MoreLikeThis which is currently in use, Citolytics finds related Wikipedia pages based on links instead of the article text. With its different algorithmic approach, we hope to increase the user engagement by providing better recommendations.
  • The evaluation framework can be used as general blueprint for future optimizations of the related pages feature.


In order to test the recommendations we must modify or access mainly three components of the Wikipedia system (see sub-tasks for details):

  • MediaWiki/CirrusSearch: The article recommendations can be integrated with a custom KeywordFeature, e.g. CitolyticsKeywordFeature, that is trigged by the citolytics: prefix and retrieves the Citolytics recommendations. The citolytics: prefix then can be accessed via the API. T143197
  • Android app: Citolytics needs to be added as additional read more source by allowing besides morelike: also citolytics: as query prefix.
  • EventLogging: We want to use the tracking data from the Android app to evaluate the recommendation system and therefore we need to access aggregate data from the EventLogging system.


Goal Visibility & Success Metrics

  • The Citolytics recommendations will be available in the Android app. See T148833.
  • The Android app's event logging data should be also used to evaluate the success. See T149682


  • Deployment - How can we perform a test run and collect data to evaluate the recommendation performance?
  • Evaluation data - What are the requirements for publishing data from the EventLogging system? The findings of this experiment should be as transparent as possible.


  1. T149682 Define success criteria
  2. T148833 Use Android Analytics framework for collecting click through-data
  3. T143197 Integrate additional RS (Citolytics) to CirrusSearch
  4. T149805 Clarify WMF involvement

Event Timeline

Danny_B renamed this task from Use citolytics for mobile recommondations to Use citolytics for mobile recommondations (tracking).Aug 9 2016, 1:30 PM
Danny_B updated the task description. (Show Details)
Danny_B moved this task from Tag to Should be Goal instead on the Tracking-Neverending board.

@mschwarzer you can create subtasks by clicking on "Edit related tasks--> create subtask"

Aklapper renamed this task from Use citolytics for mobile recommondations (tracking) to Use citolytics for mobile recommendations (tracking).Aug 10 2016, 9:30 AM
Phabricator_maintenance renamed this task from Use citolytics for mobile recommendations (tracking) to Use citolytics for mobile recommendations.Aug 14 2016, 12:09 AM

Hmm, if there's been discussion about this, it's news to me, but I might be missing context since I've been off for a week or so. Let me ping @Dbrant (Android app product owner) and tag Discovery.

leila subscribed.

for the record: I removed Article-Recommendation tag as that tag is for article recommendation for creation (not read), and I think it's not related to the current discussion. Please feel free to add it back if this is not the case.

mschwarzer renamed this task from Use citolytics for mobile recommendations to Improve mobile recommendations in Android app.Nov 1 2016, 12:58 PM
mschwarzer updated the task description. (Show Details)

I'm currently attending T147710 and I think this project is definitely in the scope of the task.

What's the status/fate of this task? Can it be closed?