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Add ability to configure the web service endpoint in the IDS extension
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Right now the service endpoint "" is hard-coded into the IDS extension.

It should instead be configurable, via an entry in LocalSettings.php.

Event Timeline

@kaldari: Is this an good first task task suitable for newcomers once the task desc has been improved?
Or maybe Google-Code-In-2016 (who would mentor this)?

@kaldari: Is this an good first task task suitable for newcomers once the task desc has been improved?
Or maybe Google-Code-In-2016 (who would mentor this)?

Hi , about IDS extension,I think that it can be changed to render-server-path set-able in Localsetting.php. I am a poor php guy,but I guess it might be a easy task?

@Aklapper: Yes, this is an easy task. @Samwilson could potentially be a mentor on it if a volunteer wanted to pick it up.

Well, we will only find out "if a volunteer wanted to pick it up" by actually making it available, not the other way round. :)

Change 330184 had a related patch set uploaded (by Divadsn):
Add ability to configure the web service endpoint in the IDS extension

Patch 330184 is ready to be merged, but I'm not an owner of the Ids repo. Can someone have a look?

Change 330184 merged by jenkins-bot:
Add ability to configure the web service endpoint

Filip added subscribers: Reedy, Filip.

@Reedy merged, marking as resolved!

Florian subscribed.

Removing GCI-Tag, as the task was finished outside of GCI :) Thanks a lot for the fix!

@Florian well, it was actually done for GCI :)

Ha! Interesting :P I deleted a task that mentioned this phab task, but it seems, that this was just a duplicate :) Sorry for the confusion! :)