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GitHub -> Differential bridge for new contributors
Closed, DeclinedPublic


This task upstream contains useful background: Document one or two reasonable workflows for Github repositories

Upstream report: (Closed/Declined, upstream will not maintain third-party importers).

A GitHub->Phabricator bridge (similar to T37497 for GitHub->Gerrit) would allow new contributors to make a change without installing arc.

Basically, new GitHub pull requests would get copied into Differential (the Phabricator code review tool).

See prior discussion at T127: Find way to use Differential with plain git (i.e.: without requiring arc).



Event Timeline

flimport raised the priority of this task from to Lowest.Sep 12 2014, 1:34 AM
flimport added a project: Gerrit-Migration.
flimport set Reference to fl281.

qgil wrote on 2014-05-06 01:37:50 (UTC)

There seems to be something about this upstream (unfinished):

D8775: Integrate GitHub pull requests as Differential reviews

avive wrote on 2014-05-19 19:04:42 (UTC)

Until "Integrate GitHub pull requests as Differential reviews" can be re-written using future tools, Jenkins can run a client-side script to convert a PR into a Revision, post a relevant message on the PR, and maybe keep bringing updates from it.

I can try coding this up if it looks like something you could use.

mattflaschen wrote on 2014-07-26 01:46:47 (UTC)

Facebook has a bot for this. See . Maybe they'd be willing to open source it.

aklapper wrote on 2014-08-28 21:13:18 (UTC)

In T281#12, @mattflaschen wrote:

Facebook has a bot for this. See . Maybe they'd be willing to open source it.

Anybody in WMF who has contacts (e.g. via HHVM?) to make a friendly request to Facebook?

avive wrote on 2014-09-06 18:19:19 (UTC)

From the readme, this looks like a daemon that translates (and updates) branches to Revisions:

Meanwhile, a small project has been created upstream "Of or pertaining to integration with GitHub."

Qgil set Security to None.
greg subscribed.

Same reasoning from T715:

In T715#1620922, @greg wrote:

... this is a new feature (not something we have with Gerrit now) and thus not a blocker for the Gerrit-Migration project. Nor is it a blocker for the gitblit-deprecation (the gitblit-deprecation project should not be use for any and all code-hosting needs).

Adding Differential to track this going foward.

greg renamed this task from GitHub->Phabricator bridge for new contributors to GitHub -> Differential bridge for new contributors.Sep 9 2015, 5:42 PM
greg updated the task description. (Show Details)
greg removed a project: Gerrit-Migration.

This seems to be a good idea but one problem is jenkins tests wont run.

This seems to be a good idea but one problem is jenkins tests wont run.

Why not? They will run on the Differential side after the import.