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Accessibility issues of new Wikimedia Foundation website (failing WCAG conformance) (tracking)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


New website features several accessibility shortcomings in its current state.
Let's collect them and further recommendations as subtasks.

Original task description:
A validator on the main page gives out 66 cases of low contrast practically making the website impossible to read for color blind people. Plus, lack of label attribute in some elements, broken skip link and several empty link making it confusing for tools that read websites for blind people.

Event Timeline

And here rendered without styling, a good way to check how understandable your page is.

Volker_E renamed this task from WMF website fails WCAG to Accessibility issues of new Wikimedia Foundation website (failing WCAG) (tracking).Aug 11 2018, 12:39 AM
Volker_E triaged this task as High priority.
Volker_E added a project: Tracking-Neverending.
Volker_E updated the task description. (Show Details)
Volker_E renamed this task from Accessibility issues of new Wikimedia Foundation website (failing WCAG) (tracking) to Accessibility issues of new Wikimedia Foundation website (failing WCAG conformance) (tracking).Aug 11 2018, 1:30 AM

Hello - I wanted to verify that we are indeed monitoring and tracking these accessibility issues. When the site was developed, the outside vendors did utilize some tests (which the site passed), but it is not passing other tests. We absolutely want to resolve that and are talking with the outside vendors and internal teams on next steps in resolving the issues identified. Work on the translation system has recently completed, and so this is next on our list.

Hello - I wanted to verify that we are indeed monitoring and tracking these accessibility issues. When the site was developed, the outside vendors did utilize some tests (which the site passed), but it is not passing other tests. We absolutely want to resolve that and are talking with the outside vendors and internal teams on next steps in resolving the issues identified. Work on the translation system has recently completed, and so this is next on our list.

If only there were a worldwide community of knowledgeable, willing volunteers that the development team could tap for help with testing. Please ask us for help; we are here and we have skills.

Varnent claimed this task.

Hello - I believe this ticket has been resolved with the updated design we released this week - which I invite you to checkout at:
I am closing the ticket, but please let me know if it is not resolved on your end. Thank you!