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On boarding screens for the App Editor task list
Closed, ResolvedPublic3 Estimated Story Points

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Nov 14 2018, 9:15 PM
Referenced Files
F27630105: caption_image.svg
Dec 18 2018, 8:54 PM
F27628698: Screen Shot 2018-12-18 at 9.11.55 AM.png
Dec 18 2018, 5:12 PM
F27618819: 56.png
Dec 17 2018, 11:08 PM
F27617423: 62.png
Dec 17 2018, 9:38 PM
F27617424: 82.png
Dec 17 2018, 9:38 PM
F27561260: help.png
Dec 14 2018, 11:00 PM
F26622949: 102b FTU onboarding.png
Nov 14 2018, 9:15 PM
F26622945: 102c App editor task menu.png
Nov 14 2018, 9:15 PM


Why are we doing this?

We would like to be able to introduce users to the App Editor Task list once they have unlocked it

User story

When I have proven myself as an editor of good standing, I want to be shown more articles requiring descriptions, so that I can grow my contributions to Wikipedia and I would like guidance on how to use this feature


On boarding to task listTask menuOn boarding for description editing in task list
102b FTU onboarding.png (1×720 px, 61 KB)
102c App editor task menu.png (1×720 px, 112 KB)
103a FTO Onboarding for Adding title descriptions.png (1×720 px, 116 KB)
Related task: T164606

Event Timeline

@Charlotte I think this should have a point value of 3, I ended up changing T207332 back to the more generic task. LMK if this was wrong and I can revert my changes.

Charlotte set the point value for this task to 3.

Change 478233 had a related patch set uploaded (by Sharvaniharan; owner: Sharvaniharan):
[apps/android/wikipedia@master] [WIP] On boarding screens for the App Editor task list

@cmadeo @schoenbaechler What should help option point to? Currently I have made it point to the Description editing help page we have in the app.

help.png (1×720 px, 79 KB)

@cmadeo I just wanted to run the disabled looks by you since we decided to have an alpha instead of different colors..
We decided 0.62 looks like this :

62.png (1×720 px, 61 KB)

I just felt 0.82 looked better so here is a screenshot of that as well

82.png (1×720 px, 61 KB)

Please let me know which one looks good, and if you don't feel like they are good enough i will be happy to just code freshly to the completely different disabled colors from zeplin..

@cmadeo I just wanted to run the disabled looks by you since we decided to have an alpha instead of different colors..
We decided 0.62 looks like this :

62.png (1×720 px, 61 KB)

I just felt 0.82 looked better so here is a screenshot of that as well

82.png (1×720 px, 61 KB)

Please let me know which one looks good, and if you don't feel like they are good enough i will be happy to just code freshly to the completely different disabled colors from zeplin..

Hi @Sharvaniharan
Just FYI the standard alpha I'd been using is .56 on the *text*, whilst the background has the same .56 alpha. If you apply the alpha on the text as well the first screenshot should look a lot better as disabled

Change 480255 had a related patch set uploaded (by Cooltey; owner: Cooltey):
[apps/android/wikipedia@master] Add onboarding dialog for "add title descriptions" screen

@cmadeo final one... need the asset for the image next to 'Caption images'.

Change 480542 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dbrant; owner: Dbrant):
[apps/android/wikipedia@master] Follow-up to editor task list.

Change 478233 merged by jenkins-bot:
[apps/android/wikipedia@master] On boarding screens for the App Editor task list

Change 480542 merged by jenkins-bot:
[apps/android/wikipedia@master] Follow-up to editor task list.

Change 480255 merged by jenkins-bot:
[apps/android/wikipedia@master] Add onboarding dialog for "add title descriptions" screen

Will move this back into the “Needs design/Design doing“ column. There’s also an updated version on Zeplin of the App editor tasks onboarding screen. I’m going to review this screen and also consider feedback from user testing for it.

This is a legacy task for “Editor tasks“ prototype. All changes will be addressed in T215630. Moving this to “Ready for signoff“.