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Help panel: Manage help panel links on wiki
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The help panel is a feature that allows newcomers to post questions directly to their wiki's help desk while they are in the middle of editing a page. The panel also provides a set of five recommended help links that are quite popular -- in wikis with the help panel between 40% and 50% of users who open the help panel click one of the links.

As noted in T211117: Help panel: provide ability to vary links by context, there is a desire to manage help panel links (the 5 default links, and any links that are varied by context, as well as the "View more help" link) on-wiki. Currently, the links are maintained in configuration and SWAT deployments are required to update them.

Our current view is that we should implement a system to manage the help panel links on-wiki before attempting to vary links by context (T211117).

The idea would be to have a page like Mediawiki:HelpPanelLinks with either a documented wikitext format or a JSON content model (h/t @Urbanecm) on how the links should be structured.

Event Timeline

kostajh moved this task from Inbox to Needs Discussion on the Growth-Team board.
kostajh updated the task description. (Show Details)
kostajh added a subscriber: Urbanecm.
MMiller_WMF renamed this task from Help Panel: Manage help panel links on wiki to Help panel: Manage help panel links on wiki.Feb 13 2019, 1:54 AM
SBisson subscribed.

The Growth team is considering this task for the hackathon. We're happy to collaborate with other participants on this.

An idea brought up by an enwiki community member (link here): The help pages listed should be customized based on the type of article being viewed, so for instance, there should be links to biography policies/help pages for biography articles.

@Urbanecm_WMF -- would this not be one of the configurable things on the single larger configuration form that you're going to be developing? Or is there a reason it should be separate?

Change 677916 had a related patch set uploaded (by Urbanecm; author: Urbanecm):

[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] Allow users to maintain help panel links from Special:EditGrowthConfig

Will this be included in the next version of the configuration page?

Will this be included in the next version of the configuration page?

That depends on @Tgr's ability to code-review it. My patch to make it possible should work :).

Change 677916 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] Allow users to maintain help panel links from Special:EditGrowthConfig

Will this be included in the next version of the configuration page?

That depends on @Tgr's ability to code-review it. My patch to make it possible should work :).

The patch was just merged, so the definite answer is "yes" :).