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Work out how we are going to cut deploy branches without gerrit HTTP Token
Closed, ResolvedPublicSecurity

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Jdforrester-WMF created this task.
Jdforrester-WMF created this object with visibility "Public (No Login Required)".
Jdforrester-WMF created this object with edit policy "Custom Policy".
zeljkofilipin raised the priority of this task from Medium to Unbreak Now!.Mar 18 2019, 4:29 PM

Train blockers are UBN!

I've edited the setup section of the train docs to use ssh rather than http token auth.

I think that after doing the key setup make-wmf-branch should work once again.

The key changes are

  1. Make a new key on the deployment host
  2. git config --global url.ssh://[GERRIT-USERNAME]

Just to be clear, is the removal of the Gerrit HTTP token feature going to be a permanent change or just temporary? If this is a permanent thing I'll have to figure out how to modify libraryupgrader as well...

I've edited the setup section of the train docs to use ssh rather than http token auth.

Thanks! As soon as Gerrit is up again, I'll test the documentation and resolve the task.

Just to be clear, is the removal of the Gerrit HTTP token feature going to be a permanent change or just temporary? If this is a permanent thing I'll have to figure out how to modify libraryupgrader as well...

I hope not. We definitely don't want to lose gerrit rest api in the long run.

zeljkofilipin reassigned this task from zeljkofilipin to thcipriani.

Assigning to @thcipriani because he did all the work and resolving, because the documentation is now up to date. I was able to cut the branch.