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Edit Cards v3: instrumentation post-deployment data checks
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This task involves the work with making sure we are logging data in such a way that we will be able to track the additional events we implemented as part of Edit Cards v3. Information about the events that are being added can be found in this task: T229841 and this patch:

Additional instrumentation

  • We would like to make sure we are logging the events that fire when a contributor types text into the "Text" field within "Wikipedia" or "External site" panel/tab of the link dialog. More context can be found in T229841.


  • Product Analytics has verified the events listed in the "Additional instrumentation" section are being logged correctly

Event Timeline

nshahquinn-wmf moved this task from Triage to Next Up on the Product-Analytics board.
nshahquinn-wmf moved this task from Next Up to Blocked on the Product-Analytics board.
nshahquinn-wmf subscribed.

We can't do this until the instrumentation itself is decided on (T229841), so we're blocked for now.

By the time we're unblocked, I expect I'll be fully off the Editing team, so Megan will be the one to take it on.

Updates to description:

  • Adding details about the additional event that was added in Edit Card v3 and will need to be checked as part of this task

Once the VE as Default work is complete we will pull this work into our current sprint

I reviewed the data and confirmed that we are logging events as expected for when a contributor types text into the "Text" field within "Wikipedia" or "External site" panel/tab. These events are
logged as: “mf.schemaVisualEditorFeatureUse {feature: "link", action: "label-input", editingSessionId: "..."}”.

Events started appearing in early September (see table below) and all events are recorded only for the link feature as expected. Full notebook.

DateCount of label-input actions

@DLynch @ppelberg: Just a note that it looks like based on current instrumentation we don't decipher between edits to the text field when the user is in the "Wikipedia" panel vs edits to the text field when the user is in the "External Site" panel. Both action types are currently recorded as "label-input". Was that the intention or did we want to decipher between the two?

Other than that, everything looks good from my side.

Thank you for checking, @MNeisler and for drawing attention to the text inputs for editing an internal (Wikipedia) and external link's label:

@DLynch @ppelberg: Just a note that it looks like based on current instrumentation we don't decipher between edits to the text field when the user is in the "Wikipedia" panel vs edits to the text field when the user is in the "External Site" panel. Both action types are currently recorded as "label-input". Was that the intention or did we want to decipher between the two?

@DLynch and I just discussed and confirmed the following:

  1. There being one tracking event – label-input – for edits to the internal and external link' "text" fields is expected considering: these fields are one in the same, not distinct.
  1. If at some future time we needed to distinguish between edits to the internal and external text fields, we could infer this by looking at which context item was initially shown and checking for whether a panel-switch event ensued (meaning the contributor would have switched from the initial context item that was shown)