After the latest fiddling with Gerrit clone in regards to lfs changes as part of T235013, the Gerrit clone master state of design/style-guide is not updated on the website any more.
Deployer note
- Update your SSH config (@Volker_E have had outdated server names and old UseRoaming directive in his)
- Make sure you're connecting to deploy1001.eqiad.wmnet by ssh deploy1001.eqiad.wmnet (@Volker_E put out of habit a 'u' behind the 'q' until @Dzahn explained that it's *Eq*uinix with closest airport *IAD*. Hell yeah 1h of life repurposed.
- ssh deploy1001.eqiad.wmnet /srv/deployment/design/
- @20after4 provided a script to simplify scap deploy