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VE - Cite should verify required parameters similar to template
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Checking for required parameters is done in TemplateDialog but not for citations.
Suggestion to invoke checkRequiredParameters (ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog.prototype.checkRequiredParameters) or something similar when adding citation.

How to reproduce

  1. In enwiki open VE, in toolbar select Insert => Template => "Cite-web"
  2. Enter URL (for example: ) and DONT fill title
  3. Press Insert and expect "Are you sure you want to continue without filling the "Title" field?"
  4. in toolbar select Cite and enter the same URL (or URL for which Zotero fail to extract title)
  5. Expect similar prompt as appeared in 3.

Event Timeline

Izno moved this task from Unsorted backlog to External on the Cite board.

Note that the checking is done for manual citations (Cite → Manual → Website, etc.); it is only not done for automatic (Citoid) citations.

image.png (2×3 px, 1 MB)

I don't see how this would work for automatic citations. There is no step in which you can edit the citation before you insert it, so the only option provided by that dialog would be to completely cancel inserting the citation, which seems unhelpful to me. And in this workflow the user has never even seen the "Title" field, which the message would refer to.

image.png (2×3 px, 2 MB)

I don't think we should change this behavior.

Maybe we can switch to manual insertion if we encounter issue?
(Keep in mind that "Missing or empty title=" isn't part of VE but of specific implementation of Cite web in enwiki)

I don't see how this would work for automatic citations. There is no step in which you can edit the citation before you insert it [snip]

That would be T174585: Reconsider offering an "edit" button for automatic citations, in NWE