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Newcomer tasks: handle quickstarttips API delays and errors
Open, Needs TriagePublic

Description introduces an API endpoint for retrieving quickstart tips to display in the suggested edits panel.

Current behavior:

  • If the API throws an error, the suggested edits button is still present in the panel and the suggested edits screen itself has the quick start tips section empty
  • If the API is delayed and the user navigates to the suggested edits screen, they'll see an empty section for quick start tips

Proposed behavior:

  • If the API throws an error, we should either show a fairly generic error messages under the "Quick start tips" section, or (more complicated) prevent the Suggested Edits button on home from appearing and the suggested edits screen from being navigable
  • If the API is delayed, and the user is already on the suggested edits screen, we should probably have in place some kind of skeleton content.

Once the loading mechanism for the guidance content is updated, make sure SuggestedEditSession.trackGuidanceShown is called in the appropriate place.

Both seem like lower priority issues but wanted to post them here for us to not forget about.

Event Timeline

MMiller_WMF renamed this task from Handle quickstarttips API delays and errors to Newcomer tasks: handle quickstarttips API delays and errors.May 30 2020, 1:15 AM
kostajh added a subscriber: mewoph.

@mewoph and I were discussing that we should probably just export the messages in the server-side render (output JS vars) rather than rely on waiting for the endpoint to render the guidance panel.