Analytics questions in regards to search usage
01) Do we have any insights on where users are searching from in the app? There are three possible origins:
- Explore search bar below Wikipedia
- Explore search icon at top right
- Article search icon at top right
This is the only insight I have in regards to search usage so far: F31951319
It says that ~ 28% from all page views are coming from internal search, but not which one exactly. Dmitry pulled this data back in April 2019.
👉 This data will be used to revise the information architecture of the app → where do we show search?
02) What percentage of search queries end up with zero results?
03) Do empty results stand in direct correlation with having set multiple languages in the app?
Hypothesis: People are looking for something with the wrong language filter enabled. The more languages set, the more likely it it is to get no results.
A simple split for this data would be great. E.g. 1 app language set → 2% no results, 2 app languages set → 3% no results, 3 app languages set → 3% no results.
👉 Data from 02) and 03) will be used to revise the design for empty state.
04) How are links in the toolbar used on the article page → Which one is the most used? Which one the least? A percentage split for its usage is appreciated.
Adding @SNowick_WMF’s email reply here for the sake of completion
We have a Schema that tracks users search within the app: that I can get data from. That has a source field: "The source from which the Search interface was invoked: 0 - Main article toolbar, 1 - Widget, 2 - Share intent, 3 - Process-text intent, 4 - Floating search bar in the feed, 5 - Voice search query."